Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Just messing around with voices and Yottskry. Here I am using it in Live and feeding 3 different vocal clips at a time. It's pretty slow getting going but I think it rewards (for some value of 'reward') listening all the way through. I was…
Guest said

very cool Matt.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Just messing around with voices and Yottskry. Here I am using it in Live and feeding 3 different vocal clips at a time. It's pretty slow getting going but I think it rewards (for some value of 'reward') listening all the way through. I was…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Leading edge FX man. At first it was sort of any way the wind blows, then at 2 minutes I had to close my door because it got spooky in here. I'd like to hear it with other Sandbags type sounds.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

nice collage collagge? colagge? co-lagde dreamy

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Guest said

Yeah, there's a subtle flavour of industrial jazz to this. Makes me think of riding a rickety tram with a host of vampires...only I am also hiding my fangs.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
Guest said

You seem to be taking a completely new turn in the road these days, my bags. Liking it! And YES, persevere with this compelling, uneasy gem!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Haunting and moody, with wonderful tone and reverberation. I'd definitely love to hear what else you come up with if you do extend on this.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yeah- this could really go someplace very cool. Like it!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

A thing of magnificence, strength and beauty.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

I always dig your crazy otherworldly sounds! And yeah, don't hold back on us, keep 'em coming!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Top one mate really cool.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I spent 15 hours composing and playing this or, I should rather say, this is the sole product of 15 hours of sitting with Live & my piano. I think there is the kernel of something good in it (and I intend to explore that later) but the…
yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

I dig this and really hope you do something further with it (though it's also beautiful just the way it is)!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I recently bought the Imperfect Samples [Braunschweig Upright]( (Pro) sampled piano for Kontakt after falling in love with the sound of the demos. I have…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

What a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you had such talented piano fingers. More please..

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Incomparable! your always breaking new ground with cool sound.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Incomparable! your always breaking new ground with cool sound.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great sounds mate very cool.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Guest said

total kick ass man. Its putting my mind at ease.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

That's some wild sounding stuff!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This was a piece I made with Reichatron back in January and, at the time, didn't upload. I had the odd experience of momentary unfamiliarity, enjoyment, and a sense of "Did I make this?" Listening to it again I enjoy the way it drifts in…
Guest said

pretty cool man.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
The fourth piece in my 'Dissolving into Noise' collection IV was made entirely with my new Reaktor instrument "Yottskry" (see the [demo video]( for more info on Yotskry). I used Yotskry standalone…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great sounds mate well done.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
The fourth piece in my 'Dissolving into Noise' collection IV was made entirely with my new Reaktor instrument "Yottskry" (see the [demo video]( for more info on Yotskry). I used Yotskry standalone…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

ooh I like this
