Artists that match "short"
Tracks that match "short"
Short little cover of the song Go! by Tones on Tail. Excuse the singing, but it was fun!
About 30 small faces are upturned to a screen where a film is playing. On the screen, children exit a bus just as they had done a short time before.
Not a song, just an improvisational skit in which I played one of the Magi who visited the Christ child. (I'm a short Japanese-American from Hawaii, hence the "Wee King" and "Orient" jokes)
Written and recorded shortly after the death of "John John".
A mashup for ImprovFriday with
Roger Sundström Keyboard, Objects, Soundscaping
Chris Vaisvil (The Girl and the TV)
Fabio Keiner (mostlyghostly.mp3)
Peter Thörn & Anders "Peggy" Andersson (Short Ghost)
Steve Moshier (Not On My Shift)
Jeff Duke…
Song #2 for the RPMC. My goal is to have 12 short tunes (1-3 minutes long), so I need to pick up the pace.
Again, quartal tuning on the top 3 unison pairs of the 12 string. I've been listening to Ralph Towner's Blue Sun, hence the title.
New recording after being forced to take a few weeks off due to personal health issues. It's a little all-over-the-place (hence the name) but I'm excited to share it with you fine folks all the same.
Special props to my buddy Karl Ridgeway…
I think this song is about falling in love ... the way attraction can be a sort of a shortcut ... and the way real love feels.
I'm working on this track as part of my RPM/2012 effort. This version is simply the first cut recorded on my iPhone…
This is a short cover I did of Polly, by Nirvana. I made it to closely resemble the studio version.
+10 if you got the pointer from the title. If you didn't, it's referring to Isis' In The Absence of Truth. I wanted to make something heavy, but when it was finished I was pretty distraught at how much 'inspiration' this track had from one of…
I finally got my trumpet out, after 35 years of it being stashed away ... another draft from RPM2012 ... enjoy ... lyrics below:
When I was just shy of 17
The days were short, the nights were kings
We stayed awake to sing a song
We never thought…