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Johnny Stone's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Johnny Stone


Polaris (Reprise)

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A ROUGH possible acoustic version of Crux’s Polaris (we’re aiming to make it for the album)

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

I dig it you have a great sound going mate great

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thanks! much appreciated

launched's avatar
launched said

Oh, yeah - This is working good for me. Great guitar work.

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thats the plan - once I restring the twelve string. I cheated here and doubled it over the octaves ;-) Plus I've hurt a finger at the nail and the twelve string will murder my hands right now ;-)

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice! I'd love to hear this on acoustic. Maybe with 12 string

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thanks - thats the feel I was haunting for - its only a rough demo ;-)

Guest said

Haunting sound i like it.
