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by Johnny Stone


Amy Pond (Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour)

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What does a songwriter do when he’s addicted to Doctor Who (and his new very cute companion)? He writes…

Amy Pond

Red hair and that pretty face beneath it
My how you’ve grown up after oh so many years
I’ve only been away for ten or twenty minutes
I come to take you on a day that means more than it appears
Jumping through the ages all alone
Past and present and around the great beyond
How could it be that I had blinked and time had flown
Once young Amelia, now you’re grown up Amy Pond
Amy travel through the skies with me
I’ll show you places I know you’ve never been
There’s so much out there that I know you need to see
We can go anywhere or anywhen
You’d been left alone almost from the start
And here I find you as a not-so-little girl
What can I do to prove that I deserve your heart
Will you think more of me when I save the world
Do you know how far I’d go for you
And do you know just how far I’ve already gone
I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do
Or anything I wouldn’t be to save you Amy Pond
Amy travel through the skies with me
I’ll show you places I know you’ve never been
There’s so much out there that I know you need to see
We can go anywhere or anywhen

stoman's avatar
stoman said

You can write songs about anything and anybody, and they will always make sense and sound great! :)

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Hm. An ode to a pretty young redhead. Does your wife know about this? Just kidding. Nice song, sir. And our family has started watching more and more of BBC America lately, too. ER

stoman's avatar
stoman said

When I was out for a walk recently I had your music on my mp3 player. And when I returned back home I almost felt like going for another round - to hear more of it! :) Great song, as usual. Regards, Steffen

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate dig it very cool.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks again, professional?? AHAHAHA, naaa just having fun as usual. I took 2 music theory courses and then realized it was warping my brain, so i forgot it all and went back to playing what i love.

Guest said

These are really great! D & R (Alias M & D)

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Any song about Dr.Who is alright in my books. This is a really great song, nicely recorded.

Guest said

This is great! My question is, are you gonna write a tribute to Rory? If you do, I promise to write the "ballad of the Dalek". Jim

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

From one Doctor Who nerd to another, I've been thinking of writing something like this for some time. You beat me to it! But what about Rose Tyler? Did that end when David Tennant left the show? Great song. Will be back to listen to more. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Yup! She's a cutie :)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

This is top drawer Keith, No need to re-record vocals.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Ugh... Now that I hear this a few days later, I realize how badly I need to re-record the vocals.

Guest said

Amy Pond..that is a cool name. hehe. Like the description. :) Great work.

Guest said

I do love your voice. This is a really great song, lovely melody and most touching lyrics. It has the "Ahh" factor.

Guest said


Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

I originally intended to arrange this song more fully, but the thought of the Doctor singing to Amy with nothing but an acoustic guitar somehow worked for me.

Guest said

Good one.
