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by Johnny Stone


Warrior Poet

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Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I’m trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools.
They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed
I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right?

It’s a Goddess of War song, but the chorus is a
quote from the Lama or from Bill Murry in
Caddyshack, I forget.
I like this drum kit, the bass drum really kicks with the bass guitar.


It wasn’t a lonely day on the battlefield
There were thousands there
I saw her standing high, on windswept field
her cloak is flowing with the wind
and then she disappeared
swept from my sight
but I could hear her whisper
as everyday ends
so a new one begins

She came down to my side
as the battle raged
She asked me what’s my name
I asked her give me men,
to kill my brothers dead
and bring this war to an end
She asked me how I live
and why I stay alive
I wear my dragon skin

as everyday ends
so a new one begins

It was a losing day on the
there were thousands dead
as I looked out on this sea of men
I saw her ghostly grin
she asked me how I lived
and if I wanna to die
I wear my dragon skin

as everyday ends
so a new one begins

Guest said

this is so legit!

Guest said

Never heard of Bongwater, but I drank it once............Once. ~WG

Yardful of Birds's avatar
Yardful of Birds said

This sounds great. Have you ever heard of Bongwater or do know of the producer/musician Kramer?

Guest said

This reminded me of a Cream meets Bowie vibe... cool chorus too.

Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Peter Fedofsky said

Once again, wonderfully Bowie-esque. This track coalesces into something fierce. I dig it.

Guest said

GOTTA LISTEN to this one again.

alexisfromtexas's avatar
alexisfromtexas said

Real or imagined war for you? I'm glad you provided lyrics and that I read them before listening, because it brought the picture together. Quite good.

Guest said

I'm with Caddyshack....hilarious,storming track tho' sort of prog heavy rock.Good deal. Jarvo

Guest said

Sounds great Paul.

Guest said

Love the outro.

Guest said

Sinister vox. It sounds like there are bugs and worms crawling out of your mouth when you sing this.

Guest said

This is really awesome!! Really diggin the guitar tone. Sweet!!! -JST

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Well worked track and the vocal works perfectly, excellent.

Guest said

@Sis Hmm, cover Blackmore and Gillan, ME? I wish. But hey, when a lady say's please..... I know it's a blues tune in E :D ~WG

Guest said

(PS - Blondie meets Deep Purple!) Please cover Strange Kind of Woman. I would *die*.

Guest said

I love your lower register vox. Very sexy.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool! Nice guitar tones!

launched's avatar
launched said

I thought this was cool as all getout, bro! Vox were great, and I loved that guitar tone. Sweeeeeeet!!!

Guest said

atleast u have the guts to sing..unlike me. heh. and as for.... It's a Goddess of War song, but the chorus is a quote from the Lama or from Bill Murry in Caddyshack, I forget. hahah

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great lyrics mate top vocals all round great track mate.

Guest said

HELLS YEAH!! Rockin' the Dragon Skin!!! \m/ ^ throwin' the RAWK horns
