Comments on Sudara's stuff

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Deeply felt music

Sudara's avatar
This is a piece written for 37signals, made to accompany a [fun video they did on Letterpress printing]( The track is best listened to in context of the video, since it's scored…
twirretwarre's avatar
twirretwarre said

Ah, I like this! Very joyful although some nostalgic feeling to it so now and than.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
twirretwarre's avatar
twirretwarre said

I can hear your feelings, good expression! I don't want to watch your video about it, it hurts too much.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Video works for me. Well done man. I saw on vid with cars and boats going over a water fall. Looking closely, I could see one car with a person in the back seat, banging on the rear window as the car rolled over the falls. It was horrific.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Guest said

I like what you're saying here, Su'. Also: I listened to the piece without the visual/video and Heard so much... Really rich medley---

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

@Andrew I think I know what you mean. With the rate that information travels these days, I often find it hard to internalize and/or find a space to truly process and "feel" each event. Are we humanly capable of doing so? On top of that it's hard to hear my own true feelings and reactions above the chatter of the media, friends, etc. The footage this music was made for hit me hard. At the same time I was really annoyed with the announcers wanting to explain what was going on. I need silence when viewing something like this, a human talking over this footage is irreverent and shameful to me. Does that make sense? I made this piece of music because this is my silence, or put another way, an example of sound that hopefully respects the image by pulling the watcher in, giving them space to feel what this means and not babbling in their ear.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

An emotional and, I found, disturbing listen. I have to admit, news stories and footage of things like this often tend to pass me by, I seem not to get emotionally involved. I sometimes wonder why this is but I have no proper answer. I do get affected by some news stories, but not usually the big ones like this. My wife has been upset, but I've been left cold again on this one, until now. Listening to this piece has opened it up slightly for me, making it more... I don't know what... Many thanks for making this and posting it.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very well done, emotional for an emotional time

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

I've just been watching - in some awe - footage of the moment the tsunami struck part of the coast. I think this music captures my feelings quite well.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Guest said

Moody and perfect to accompany a video of the disaster. Also makes for quiet reflection. Tastefully done, love the pipe. The headphones are a must.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said


Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Guest said


Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

what a horrible thing to happen. The piano sets the sober tone well, with subtle samples in the background really make this piece.

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
henky's avatar
henky said

very moving music. you can feel a state of shock in this piece. nature can be amazingly beautiful, sometimes brutal, always powerful!

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Guest said

sounds like the jungle coming to eat us

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Absolutely beautiful! You can taste the soul of this piece. Brilliant! Are hearts are filled with sadness, & pray for all of those efFected by this disaster... w;-)

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Lord Sluk's avatar
Lord Sluk said

great piece

Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said


Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said


Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube]( After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Guest said

Dark tune for a dark day. Quakes will probably run along the rim of fire for sure so take notice.Cali will get hit in a day or two.Mexico also.
