Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
...the Bunker-Bar has been re-stocked...just in time for a visit from an old friend. Ladies and Gentlemen Mr Dean "Reg" Martin...
Guest said

Great song with a whole new treatment! Swing baybeh, swing! Bethan

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the Classic from Boston from that time when my locks were flowing and i was 3stone lighter....with speed Demon Gene doing the music and yours truly trying his best on the vocals...hope you enjoy as much as we did doing it.....
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Oh yeah this is a cool classic great job. You dudes are a great team.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
mr-glen's avatar
mr-glen said

That last comment was me by the way reg... Wasn't logged in

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
Guest said

Like the song mate.... Very Jim like. Very addictive line... hello pain my old friend lalalala. Hope your doing ok. See ya soon

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the Classic from Boston from that time when my locks were flowing and i was 3stone lighter....with speed Demon Gene doing the music and yours truly trying his best on the vocals...hope you enjoy as much as we did doing it.....
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I can't believe the stuff you guys are taking on!! Excellent... Couple of requests for future consideration: Carry On My Wayward Son Paradise By The Dashboard Light :)

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
drorkessler's avatar
drorkessler said

Love the subject of the song ... sometimes embracing it makes it just a bit more friendly ...

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the Classic from Boston from that time when my locks were flowing and i was 3stone lighter....with speed Demon Gene doing the music and yours truly trying his best on the vocals...hope you enjoy as much as we did doing it.....
FDR's avatar
FDR said

This takes me back, nice job guys!

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the Classic from Boston from that time when my locks were flowing and i was 3stone lighter....with speed Demon Gene doing the music and yours truly trying his best on the vocals...hope you enjoy as much as we did doing it.....
jip's avatar
jip said


thetworegs's avatar
Here's the Classic from Boston from that time when my locks were flowing and i was 3stone lighter....with speed Demon Gene doing the music and yours truly trying his best on the vocals...hope you enjoy as much as we did doing it.....
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Tuff vocals to tackle right there! Good job guys! I like the gtr harmonies. Killer.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
Guest said

Agree with the other comments - also, I think this moody introspective vibe suits you very well.

thetworegs's avatar
Feel So Blue Shes the kinda lady I've wanted all my life The kinda lady that you want to make your wife Once i found her I never stop the chase I didn't want my entire life to turn out to be a waste So I told her that I loved he…
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Nice one Reg i'm off down the pub, see ya later!

thetworegs's avatar
...the Bunker-Bar has been re-stocked...just in time for a visit from an old friend. Ladies and Gentlemen Mr Dean "Reg" Martin...
FDR's avatar
FDR said

I say!

thetworegs's avatar
...the Funker in the Bunker..
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Did James Brown ever visit you out in in old Sheffield?

thetworegs's avatar
...the Funker in the Bunker..
FDR's avatar
FDR said

And this is just about as funky asit gets!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
FDR's avatar
FDR said

It's so nice to no your out there, cool song!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

it sure was Brother........

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yeah, I don't like making comparisons either usually, but Jim Morrison sprung to mind very much... Hopefully that's what at least one of the Regs was intending :)

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
Guest said

I rarely comment that this sounds like so-an so , But, that's a vocal and Riff That Jim Morrison(Doors) might have written.I am a huge fan. This is so cool!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has just realised that he keep making the same mistakes with his relationships as he always has....the first song from the Newly built cellar.....Jim just had to jump o this one............ Hello pain my old friend it's so nice to see…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

A cheery little song... Nice one :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour in the Bunker... Yesterday's Dreamer Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk Trying to find a way through his clouded mind There was no rhyme or reason To why he was feeling so down inside…
igor's avatar
igor said

Reg and Regfunkel, Viva Reunion! But hey, who's Regfunkel..? :-)
