Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour in the Bunker...
Yesterday's Dreamer
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To why he was feeling so down inside…
Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour in the Bunker...
Yesterday's Dreamer
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To why he was feeling so down inside…
Is that pre-delay? I think I like it, though it causes my brain to hear this track as more of an artistic composition, than a literary expression... It may grow on us!
Summer Sun
Sitting in the summer sun
The heat warms the soul
Sitting reminiscing
Got no particular place go
life is all around me
The motion of the birds and bees
Is like heaven to me
Heaven to me
I lay out in an open field
Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour in the Bunker...
Yesterday's Dreamer
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To why he was feeling so down inside…
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk,
Looked at the road traveled,
Tried to see it make sense,
And couldn't.
Or, maybe the meaning of the way is in the way itself, so dusty and lonely ..?
jim was getting moping about the cellar, he was bored, i mean he must have been down here in the cellar now for nearly 40 years...him and Louis used to rip the place up every night, something terrible. But lately he had been a bit down and not…
Summer Sun
Sitting in the summer sun
The heat warms the soul
Sitting reminiscing
Got no particular place go
life is all around me
The motion of the birds and bees
Is like heaven to me
Heaven to me
I lay out in an open field
Summer Sun
Sitting in the summer sun
The heat warms the soul
Sitting reminiscing
Got no particular place go
life is all around me
The motion of the birds and bees
Is like heaven to me
Heaven to me
I lay out in an open field
Reg and Regfunkel reunion tour in the Bunker...
Yesterday's Dreamer
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk
Trying to find a way through his clouded mind
There was no rhyme or reason
To why he was feeling so down inside…
Sometimes the past in which you felt successful and strong, reminds of fragility of life. It's a sign of that you are in a point of transition and you should make a choice. Or the choice will be made for you. For me.
~for Geoffrey~
This is a rough mix of a track I did with the one & only Norm Harris. I've got some vocals in mind, but it may take some time to put it together, so meanwhile here's the instrumental version. Big thanks & major props to Norm…
Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter!
Sometimes, as they say, Christmas do come early. I found Johnny Stone's "Christmas Rock In Oz" under the tree and couldn't wait until Yuletide to unwrap it. What a rockin' gift! I know a bit about…
No black no white
No dark no light
No big no small
You want it all
You go so far, you leave behind
The things you like, you’ll miss them all
On moving sands, you don’t sink
You fly so high, we’re you gonna land?
Everything, everything that…
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....
This started as a simple piano piece from Osckilo, I took that as a beginning point and added the rest (synth, guitar, drums from Boss microBR), turning it into a prog-rock instrumental.
Aarrhhh ye scurvy sons (and daughters) of sea-rats, the pesky pluckers have been at it again.
Pin back yer lug-holes or it's the plank ye'll be hoping for!
This one has been sitting around for a while but I feel it's the best or most interesting of my most recent posts. The inspiration came from listening to an old CD I have of a great band from the 90's. If anybody can name the band that I gained…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Regs in the Rat Pack? Very uptown. Yeah!!
Best ever Regs. Seriously.
Perfect in all the details. It don't get much better. Plus, Regfunkel 'bout floored me :D
Is that pre-delay? I think I like it, though it causes my brain to hear this track as more of an artistic composition, than a literary expression... It may grow on us!
Hee hee - Elvis visits butlins. Love it.
Stylish man, just stylish :)
WAyyyy, Funky
Yesterday's dreamer sat on the sidewalk, Looked at the road traveled, Tried to see it make sense, And couldn't. Or, maybe the meaning of the way is in the way itself, so dusty and lonely ..?
~Reg The Man~
He found his funk, He was locked up in, But hey, Is the way out, eh? ;-)
Nice one mate
Spooky...spookier than the lizard king.
This is your best Doors yet
I love the smell of bacon in the morning. Great
Oh yeah - a 20 second fave...
Funky :)
Wow, this is wonderful! Vocal is stunning stunning stunning...
I thought I was in Vegas for a second......where are the showgirls!
Lovely stuff.
Wow, simple, powerful and great melody/harmonies
Comments made by thetworegs
reminds me of a cloudy cold day in Berlin
love it
Yeh! no problem lay the blues on me Reg
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. BURP!!!!!!
like it!!!!!
i'm a fan, lovely voice
I sometimes hear voices echoe from the edge to, thanks for the enthusiasm
Brill!!!! It shivers me timbers
it tells a story i like it