Well....the lead in the background and the main is done by a vocal Fx ......no guitars were harmed ......the rest of the music was my trusty M-audio Pro keys ......i sent it over to the other Reg as an example of what i wanted him to do with…
This is my first of the year so a Happy new year to all and thanks Norm for the beat .....hope you enjoy.
Stories of ghosts and the devil abound in Puerto Rican folktales. In the southern part of the island, it is said that most of these stories…
This is a reading of one of my favourite books, that I read for my children, they are always totally absorbed not only is the story superb but the artistry by Axel Scheffler is also fantastic. During the telling of the story i must cover every…
Well....the lead in the background and the main is done by a vocal Fx ......no guitars were harmed ......the rest of the music was my trusty M-audio Pro keys ......i sent it over to the other Reg as an example of what i wanted him to do with…
Poor old Reg is feeling a bit insignificant after being unseen by a woman he liked the look of who turned out to be only interested in the material things she could get.....it's a shame but there seems to be a lot of them out there and Love doesn…
This is my first of the year so a Happy new year to all and thanks Norm for the beat .....hope you enjoy.
Stories of ghosts and the devil abound in Puerto Rican folktales. In the southern part of the island, it is said that most of these stories…
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England......it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England......it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
This is a reading of one of my favourite books, that I read for my children, they are always totally absorbed not only is the story superb but the artistry by Axel Scheffler is also fantastic. During the telling of the story i must cover every…
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England......it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
This is my first of the year so a Happy new year to all and thanks Norm for the beat .....hope you enjoy.
Stories of ghosts and the devil abound in Puerto Rican folktales. In the southern part of the island, it is said that most of these stories…
to cheer himself up Reg thought he'd go down the Casino and see if he could find those riches at the roulette table...so he borrowed some money of Big Ed and suited himself up and away he went....but it didn't quite go to plan and now he has to…
dont think I'll make RPM this year chum! Baby due in April so expecting to be rubbing fat ankles or finding other ways to demonstrate my servitude around that time! If she can spare me though.. I'll wack something together for sure!!
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England......it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
Poor old Reg is feeling a bit insignificant after being unseen by a woman he liked the look of who turned out to be only interested in the material things she could get.....it's a shame but there seems to be a lot of them out there and Love doesn…
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England......it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
I had missed this one when it was first put up by Chris Vaisvil and Norm (Still waiting) i heard it today for the first time and it struck a chord so i asked Chris if i could add some words and being the generous man he is, he said yes. So i set…
Reg has been doing a bit of thinking about life and the way he's going to live what he has left.......
Life’s like a dream it will soon disappear
When you die it has gone forever
If you think about…
With his lottery money Reg has invested in becoming a funk star. The other reg came up with the tune and Reg jumped all over the thing......come and get funky with thetwoReg
Ugh!!!! Good Gawd!!! Funky as james brown's socks. Reminds me of the vocal off something by Zappa with Beefheart on it. Cant think what it is. Brilliant though. :)
Sometimes the past in which you felt successful and strong, reminds of fragility of life. It's a sign of that you are in a point of transition and you should make a choice. Or the choice will be made for you. For me.
~for Geoffrey~
This is a rough mix of a track I did with the one & only Norm Harris. I've got some vocals in mind, but it may take some time to put it together, so meanwhile here's the instrumental version. Big thanks & major props to Norm…
Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter!
Sometimes, as they say, Christmas do come early. I found Johnny Stone's "Christmas Rock In Oz" under the tree and couldn't wait until Yuletide to unwrap it. What a rockin' gift! I know a bit about…
No black no white
No dark no light
No big no small
You want it all
You go so far, you leave behind
The things you like, you’ll miss them all
On moving sands, you don’t sink
You fly so high, we’re you gonna land?
Everything, everything that…
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....
This started as a simple piano piece from Osckilo, I took that as a beginning point and added the rest (synth, guitar, drums from Boss microBR), turning it into a prog-rock instrumental.
Aarrhhh ye scurvy sons (and daughters) of sea-rats, the pesky pluckers have been at it again.
Pin back yer lug-holes or it's the plank ye'll be hoping for!
This one has been sitting around for a while but I feel it's the best or most interesting of my most recent posts. The inspiration came from listening to an old CD I have of a great band from the 90's. If anybody can name the band that I gained…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Nifty blues number, quite different production, like it.
I was waiting for the pitfall. Then I realised that the problem is really his!
Your children must adore bedtime! Well read!
Hey Regs, cool music! Great vox!
love that £16 guitar
Very creative gents.
Sorta puts a bit of a gloom over everything. I'll miss the Shuttle program.
always dig your style man, Hippy Nude Year Reg !
Wonderful reading...
awesome, well done!
Ha! That should teach her!
dont think I'll make RPM this year chum! Baby due in April so expecting to be rubbing fat ankles or finding other ways to demonstrate my servitude around that time! If she can spare me though.. I'll wack something together for sure!!
it's true, 2011 sucked a lot of the time. but 2012 is going to be a great one :) happy new years everyone!
Start the New Year with the decision to not look back and don't make the same mistake again Reg. @ Norm, some of us girls dig great percussion!
Amen to that! Well done Regs! Happy New Year!
Just had a delightful bath with reg, reg, elvis, vaisvil and norm. Tubs fucked naturally but was worth it. Cheers fellas ;)
Just had a delightful bath with reg, reg, elvis, vaisvil and norm. Tubs fucked naturally, but was worth it. Cheers fellas ;)
Ugh!!!! Good Gawd!!! Funky as james brown's socks. Reminds me of the vocal off something by Zappa with Beefheart on it. Cant think what it is. Brilliant though. :)
got a mate who chooses to sleep literally all day long at the moment cos he likes the dreams more than living. he's gotta hear this! he'll love it
i've missed much by dipping in so irREGularly. :)
Comments made by thetworegs
reminds me of a cloudy cold day in Berlin
love it
Yeh! no problem lay the blues on me Reg
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. BURP!!!!!!
like it!!!!!
i'm a fan, lovely voice
I sometimes hear voices echoe from the edge to, thanks for the enthusiasm
Brill!!!! It shivers me timbers
it tells a story i like it