Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Al's left hand's avatar
Al's left hand said

This is hi-larious.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is trying to find escape from all the bad news surrounding him, his age, his life, the world as a whole, He needs to escape he can not do anything to help the suffering people of the world apart from maybe send money, he can't change this…
The Wetband's avatar
The Wetband said

Great track, Reg. Gotta get Kenny (Guns and Laughter) over here to hear this one! The organ is the perfect accompaniment, with its carnival and church overtones. The Carnival Barker is terrific.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg had some dodgy fish and entered the arena of the unwell which is why he has not been seen for a few days now. He has been to that place where the mind takes you, where you are in the arena of dream because the mind will not let you sleep…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

dizzying track Reg........very cool sounding.

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

sweeet tune

thetworegs's avatar
This song is evolving it was People they dont try at all now its People just think me the fool and i have to work on that Banjo but at least its a bit cleaner now but a work in progress...As all of mine are.
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Back for more of this bad what a damn track

thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Hahahahahahahahahaha.....whooooo hoooooo.....wild fun....WTF....can I say WTF..........Its like discovering a parallel universe here with this Reg-man-music.....Reg will eat your brain........use with caution.

thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
Guest said

Nice! :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Fantastic dramatic piece Reg-man

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
Guest said

Great lyrics!!!

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

My new favorite collab - love this song!

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
igor's avatar
igor said

I remember Slade. Ambrose Slade. You?

thetworegs's avatar
Over the weekend Reg had gone back to his home town where he come from and met up with a few of his friends from whey back when. He found that he seemed like stranger. He was sitting telling Elvis about his weekend. Elvis felt sorry for Reg because…
Orphans's avatar
Orphans said


thetworegs's avatar
Over the weekend Reg had gone back to his home town where he come from and met up with a few of his friends from whey back when. He found that he seemed like stranger. He was sitting telling Elvis about his weekend. Elvis felt sorry for Reg because…
Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

swanky cool bro...this keeps me from getting down...while i'm gettin down

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

way cool sound here bro...big empty space i think...sometimes in right in my face...totally unique vocal

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Lovely regs!!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is trying to find escape from all the bad news surrounding him, his age, his life, the world as a whole, He needs to escape he can not do anything to help the suffering people of the world apart from maybe send money, he can't change this…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
It's Wednesday night lets all get F................
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I'm thee......wild ride on a theatrical oddest.....where oh where does this stuff come from man..........I am impressed with your imaginative girth.

thetworegs's avatar
He moved in three weeks ago, you don't know him, but he know's who you are!!!!!
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said


thetworegs's avatar
If Elvis had been a Kelt would Rock "n" Roll have been as we know it?
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

whooooooooo hooooooooooooo what a damn beauty........Happy Saint Patrick's Day Reg....................................

thetworegs's avatar
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

its like mining for gold ....digging into the back you got a lot of fine shit posted up on here.
