Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
This is another of the Bootleg prison tapes that Reg made during his Music therapy with Dr Vibes.......................
Geir's avatar
Geir said

dig the vocals on this one and the cool rhythm of the keys !!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was back at therapy using music to explain one of his favourite memories, watching John Wayne sat on his fathers seemed to help
Geir's avatar
Geir said

cool one !!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

How horrible.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was back at therapy using music to explain one of his favourite memories, watching John Wayne sat on his fathers seemed to help
Norm's avatar
Norm said


thetworegs's avatar
This is another of the Bootleg prison tapes that Reg made during his Music therapy with Dr Vibes.......................
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Well, did he make it?

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was back at therapy using music to explain one of his favourite memories, watching John Wayne sat on his fathers seemed to help
Guest said

Nice keys !!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Guest said

Wow! Amazing what the RPM challenge brings out of people... quite an album :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
igor's avatar
igor said

Child's letter to the editor of the newspaper "Reg Herald": Dear Reg, I'm sorry you're so worried about what happened to you. I've been thinking how to help you - and I find no answer, yet. Parents say that it is necessary to cope on their own and... Yes: never give up. Let me advise you the same thing, my dear Reg. Sincerely yours, Regina Scott P.S. It isn't helped to me, but maybe it can help to you.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
igor's avatar
igor said

...where are the friends? where is that time that seemed so light and simple? ~was a dream once. Now is a faint memory~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Guest said

Gripping stuff Reg! I thought the music was perfect for it.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

You guys are making me feel all dizzy here with this one, wipe the sweat off my thirsty.....swirling lights....the grass is so green it is ...... breathing.......gasping...screaming....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....its enough to make a grown man cry.

thetworegs's avatar
Has Reg found his excuse to have another drink or is this just the start of another drunken escapade...................
Guest said

Nice man,good shit. Sounds cool as. And thanks for listening to my shit and what not.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
Geir's avatar
Geir said

hey ... this is really cool!!!!

thetworegs's avatar
The other night a few of Elvis's friends came over to see him and the thetworegs were listening in by the ventilation shaft from the cellar and they took a liking to a jam that was happening with a man called Diamond Neil doing the Vocals. This…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

i like you stuff reg

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
igor's avatar
igor said

~too many lies can not exist - there are only many hopes we describes as unfulfilled, dashed, ruined... Depends on hopeless person who hoped~ ...he's been drinking, he was drunk, hopes were dashed. The story, again. P.S. I think I'll drink too, you know. Ehh...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
Guest said

I don't believe it. He's imagining it. it's all those dead brain cells from too much drink.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

twisted up like a fine bulging spliff.

thetworegs's avatar
This was going to be a re-make of Dancing on my own but reg was too busy to participate so i have used Norms percussion track and got Chris Vaisvil to bass it up and i have added a vocal creating something new. Reg has had a lot of trouble with…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Great little groove and totally original song. Damn this is good stuff!

thetworegs's avatar
Without the darkness it has a different feel........
ANGSTROT's avatar

Wow! loved it...wish I could play like that! Very nice.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

very entertaining words. love the line about the womens clothes. addictive personalities always have their latest "thing". once again great album. regards, M.F.
