Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
A little dark...... I stand at the junction between life & death As the count begins to rise The darkened moon weeps but is blind to the grief Of the ones left behind We weep but we can not hide Daytime nighttime the hunt for…
musicMD's avatar
musicMD said

Dark but very cool sounding. Great vocals and music. Reminds me of the Doors but more futuristic.

thetworegs's avatar
A little dark...... I stand at the junction between life & death As the count begins to rise The darkened moon weeps but is blind to the grief Of the ones left behind We weep but we can not hide Daytime nighttime the hunt for…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

a little dark yes, but glad to see you've made it out alive! lol Cheers!!

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of blues to test out some acoustic profiles i got for the kemper £7 well spent just me the Gibson and a telephone vioce plug in and a bit of fiddling ....Thanks for listening Like you never thought we could escape the wild wild wood…
Guest said

Blimey, a song .... not a electronic noise ..... love it ....

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of wah lead to a song...... As the clouds start to break the suns on the run again Keeping all that rain at bay I’ve had enough of this damn lockdown I want out, I want to live and have some fun again Come on sun shine down on me…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Gitty Up!

thetworegs's avatar
While kids watched TV eating chocolate,we had easter early as their cousins came over after they left I had a couple of hours this afternoon so of course i got the guitar out i used the fender stratocaster with a 12 string plugin through the kemper…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Very good ....

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of wah lead to a song...... As the clouds start to break the suns on the run again Keeping all that rain at bay I’ve had enough of this damn lockdown I want out, I want to live and have some fun again Come on sun shine down on me…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

I agree .......

thetworegs's avatar
Well you shook it up and now your shaking you down And your life like a crazy dream Now you know who’s to blame and its not me But baby can’t you see it’s not all how you want It’s all coming down and it’s all cause of the rock And now your…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice groove@

thetworegs's avatar
well the wife and kids took the dogs for a walk ....what did you expect to happen? ....Thanks for listening
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

s a s s

thetworegs's avatar
Heres one for the cutup fest I have the little black songbook of Led Zeppelin so i've done an oroginal guitar track and cut up the lyrics from their songs and came up with this ....Thanks for listening Am Amsus2 Am Amsus2 Am G x 4 C G F C x…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Clever ..... Roy Harper ..... is a live and well ....

thetworegs's avatar
well the wife and kids took the dogs for a walk ....what did you expect to happen? ....Thanks for listening
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Oh Yeah .......

thetworegs's avatar
This is the third more based on the doubts of the couples from tyhe seven year itch experiment Australia . Thanks for listening Somebody said that the sun won’t shine ,if you won’t be mine That somebody put something deep in my ear and…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

so solid..

thetworegs's avatar
Its been raining all day so why not write a song about a drought....Thanks for listening The Water wheel stops under the clear blue sky The sun burns the crops and there all doomed to die The knowing know the truth and repeat no lies Hushing…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

really love this spare arrangement. Perfect for the subject matter of the song!!!

thetworegs's avatar
Its been raining all day so why not write a song about a drought....Thanks for listening The Water wheel stops under the clear blue sky The sun burns the crops and there all doomed to die The knowing know the truth and repeat no lies Hushing…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Good stuff ....

thetworegs's avatar
This is my first for the 2021 RPM i've decided to write about a series on Channel 4 call Bride at first sight Australia and the Seven year itch Australia Hope you enjoy Thanks for listening You said I don’t know what you are going through…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Oh yeah! Nice.

thetworegs's avatar
My second for the 2021 RPM is about a sayong Ning Surasiang one of the Brides on Bride at first sight came up with The feels which is to describe the feeling just before falling in love . Thanks for listening When I first met you you did…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Nice one!! It gives good feels right back...

thetworegs's avatar
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon......... Men in Trousers Watch out cause they are everywhere Their are watching you right now Their trying to figure out the where the what and the how Just how can they open your…
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

Where new wave should have went. great riff. We should all aspire to never fear new sounds and landscapes.

thetworegs's avatar
Happy new year......Thanks for listening Thoughts dreams and lies There was something on my mind But I’m sorry i’ve lost it to that moment in time Silenced by the message acted out on the TV in a silent mime A dream of existence now…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Great Lyrics .... Happy New Year ........ stay safe ......

thetworegs's avatar
I stole the title from Paul Mccartney's new album it's nothing like his but i mean if your gonna steal a title thats who you steal it from anyway the idea stemmmed from that ...Thanks for listening The kiss of Venus it touched me so Heat…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Wow..... a truly lovely piece. I love this!!! Instant fav!! The electro vibe is a cool change of pace

thetworegs's avatar
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon......... Men in Trousers Watch out cause they are everywhere Their are watching you right now Their trying to figure out the where the what and the how Just how can they open your…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

This is sort of scary...!! Looking over my shoulder for sure

thetworegs's avatar
I stole the title from Paul Mccartney's new album it's nothing like his but i mean if your gonna steal a title thats who you steal it from anyway the idea stemmmed from that ...Thanks for listening The kiss of Venus it touched me so Heat…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

That's a good steal ....
