Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

More bullhorn!

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
Jeffrey Alan Dbury's avatar
Jeffrey Alan Dbury said

Totaly dig the Harpsichord! Cool version of this classic tune...Well done!

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Enjoyed this Chris....Bravo...

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin it again - but in a different way. This is the harpsichord that was sampled.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

this is actually in a microtonal tuning - but a very mild difference from the usual Vallotti & Young scale (Vallotti version) 12 ! 94.135 196.090 298.045 392.180 501.955 592.180 698.045 796.090 894.135 1000.000 1090.225 2

vaisvil's avatar
A picture of Chicago’s near north side I took on a recent trip. Note the scaffolding for the church steeple. 17 edo electric guitar solo with ebow, whammy bar, and delay is a microtonal ambient minimalist piece.
Guest said

Nice build, I have no idea how this cool pad is built. I was playing along on electric guitar . Huge open sounds! Ilove this one. Steve

vaisvil's avatar
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

every body polka.

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

One of your oriental flavoured pieces Chris. Well played, it must be difficult. I like the way it boings at the end!

vaisvil's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Nice playing Chris..........

vaisvil's avatar
Inspired by Joel Taylor's piece in scala's 12-22h.scl tuning 12-22hexachordal sonatina I tried my hand at it and came up with this piano improvisation called "Smoke Filled Bar". I found this excellent drawing of a femme fatale in a smoke filled…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Just wait until Pepé Le Pew gets a load of her!!

vaisvil's avatar
Inspired by Joel Taylor's piece in scala's 12-22h.scl tuning 12-22hexachordal sonatina I tried my hand at it and came up with this piano improvisation called "Smoke Filled Bar". I found this excellent drawing of a femme fatale in a smoke filled…
Guest said

Purrrrfectly performed!

vaisvil's avatar
Inspired by Joel Taylor's piece in scala's 12-22h.scl tuning 12-22hexachordal sonatina I tried my hand at it and came up with this piano improvisation called "Smoke Filled Bar". I found this excellent drawing of a femme fatale in a smoke filled…
Guest said

Great feel! Great playing! (Can't read much info about this track as the link seems to be broken.)

vaisvil's avatar
A homage to Steve Hackett (who wrote this piece) This is played using John O'Sullivan's Blue JI tuning. Pianoteq and Kontakt didn't play nice together so I had add 4.81 cents to all of the flute notes.
Guest said

I love this!

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Lovely! Well played Chris!

vaisvil's avatar
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

parts of this remind me of something from Michael Hedges' taproot album.... nice track!

vaisvil's avatar
Fantasy for Piano in 25 Note per Octave Tuning is a short piece I composed in Sibelius 7 using Pianoteq 4 in 25 note per octave (edo) tuning. This composition was created per a request in the Xenharmonic Alliance as a response to my piece in…
Guest said

Ooo, well played!

vaisvil's avatar
This is a serial improvisational piece (excepting some drum loops) in John O’Sullivan’s Blue JI tuning (which I rather like) – all of the instruments, African log drum, Nigerian log drum, Krin slit drum, Teponaxtli, Toere, Kaekeeke, Kalaau…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Nice warm groove.

vaisvil's avatar
Fantasy for Piano in 25 Note per Octave Tuning is a short piece I composed in Sibelius 7 using Pianoteq 4 in 25 note per octave (edo) tuning. This composition was created per a request in the Xenharmonic Alliance as a response to my piece in…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Now that's cool

vaisvil's avatar
Fantasy for Piano in 25 Note per Octave Tuning is a short piece I composed in Sibelius 7 using Pianoteq 4 in 25 note per octave (edo) tuning. This composition was created per a request in the Xenharmonic Alliance as a response to my piece in…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

well Chris, i find this rather interesting,

vaisvil's avatar
12 string, voice, a bit of effects.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

This has inspired me to get my guitar out :)

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Such an incredible mix of sounds. It felt like a junkyard in space. Then when the music came in I thought it fitted really well, music all in bits like the gramaphones. Ooo, the swaying from one ear to the other at the end is effective too.
