Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I purchased a new M-Audio midi keyboard during RPM. The software alone was worth the $100. There was no chance I was wasting any time during RPM with a learning process. Today, I got the opportunity to install the software and plug it in. This…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I got an m-audio 88es - big brother - very good keyboard. This is a very nice piece - and the title theme is excellent~

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I purchased a new M-Audio midi keyboard during RPM. The software alone was worth the $100. There was no chance I was wasting any time during RPM with a learning process. Today, I got the opportunity to install the software and plug it in. This…
Guest said

Cornish girls say, "Olive you too."

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Whew! Thank the music Gods that is over with. Now I can get back to my meager existence. Honey, I need a fat steak and some beer. A whole heap of it!
Guest said

Hello, Paul. Im here to say well done on "Stars" w/ Tess. Your support mix put the vocal in just the right place. I too am a writer and support musician. I know how the right mix often features the Vox. You did just that and the Kicking Ass status proves it... Well Done, Fxxxing well done. If you need to collaborate let me know. You are a pro... Id know! Humble Steve

Wildgeas Music's avatar
The first of 4 tunes coming your way with the spotlight on my friend "Michael Thomas of Cave Street" This one is my favorite and chills me every time I hear it. It never, ever, gets old. Until Then (Shine…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Whew! Thank the music Gods that is over with. Now I can get back to my meager existence. Honey, I need a fat steak and some beer. A whole heap of it!
Guest said

A rich collection of ambient and bewitching tracks! This track is my favourite...but, damn, what a fabulous album!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Blah, Blah, blah, - (pause) Blah, blah, blah, blah!! I can't take it no mo'. I'm buggin' out. Oooooo! look at all the pretty colors.
Guest said

This is fantastic - alluring, inspiring! One of my favourites on this album.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
You know I'm diggin' and scratchin' when I start sounding like Jimmy Buffet elevator musak :) Oooooo the delightful chaos of RPM This has 2 percussion loops, midi drums, midi fretless bass, some midi strings, synths, and piano, 2 gallons of…
Guest said

My Molly was singing along to this. :)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I find it difficult to believe this is all Midi instruments. The Midi guitars, bass & leads, I ran through amp sims. The drums are all Midi. 7 tracks. Kicker, snare, 2 tom tracks, high hat, tambourine, and a cowbell. All done on the keys…
Guest said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Kick it!
Guest said

This is fantastic. I'm putting it on Halcyon Dazs, my magical ambient alonetone playlist. Yeah man.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Kick it!
Guest said

Wonderful ambient!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another one from the Hip Hop menu. I need a rapper. Anyone? Lo C? Heavy D? Old G?
Guest said

Beauty! Flavours of the East - sweet mix and fabulous melodic strands. Very lovely.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This one could use a vocal or a surf's up lead guitar hook. Sounds like it could be in Kill Bill Vol. III. Midi nylon acoustic in this one.
Guest said

A beautiful, portentious opener - screams of the promise of things to come!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This one could use a vocal or a surf's up lead guitar hook. Sounds like it could be in Kill Bill Vol. III. Midi nylon acoustic in this one.
Guest said

I already know I love this album because I heard so much of it during the madness of February. :) *settles in with ice cool beer*

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This one could use a vocal or a surf's up lead guitar hook. Sounds like it could be in Kill Bill Vol. III. Midi nylon acoustic in this one.
Guest said

Like ripples reaching out. Lovely Geas!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
A Midi slopfest. Kinda fun to do with the midi banjo thingy.
Guest said

Oh, cute! This one is really perky.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Based on a cello wav I cut up. The rest is stock Pro Tools midi instruments including the Hip Hop Tool. Needs a rapper.
Guest said

This is most inspiring, I would have loved to have written to it. Super job!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Another one from the Hip Hop menu. I need a rapper. Anyone? Lo C? Heavy D? Old G?
Guest said

Boy Named Su rapped for Tess, he's fantastic. Yes, I think this would be perfect music for it.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Kick it!
Guest said

Sumptuous composition here Geas, absolutely lovely. Ooo strings too ...

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This one I might expand on after RPM. I think it could be good.
Guest said

This is nice!! yeah, really nice.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I find it difficult to believe this is all Midi instruments. The Midi guitars, bass & leads, I ran through amp sims. The drums are all Midi. 7 tracks. Kicker, snare, 2 tom tracks, high hat, tambourine, and a cowbell. All done on the keys…
Guest said

Hey clever stuff! Stomping good track.
