Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar...
**Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe**
Well she don't mind crying…
Electric blues. Recorded 2007. I was learning how to use my DAW and trying to figure out how a one-man-band could get to sound like a bunch of old bluesers in a sweaty bar...
**Rabbit Boy - A A J Russe**
Well she don't mind crying…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording.
I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005.
I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly).
I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go.
**Now It's Done - A A J Russe**
I said it…
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005.
I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly).
I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go.
**Now It's Done - A A J Russe**
I said it…
A song about my wife. Recorded 2005.
I'd just taught myself how to play piano (badly).
I'd always wanted to be Freddie Mercury when I was younger... still got a bit of a ways to go.
**Now It's Done - A A J Russe**
I said it…
Andrew , Great quality to this higher register,Heart felt and not Whiney. I love this. I could no more sing like this than
Wiggle my arms and fly. Great voice
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
"I like that notion of optimism right around the corner . . . but not quite here yet."
Yep, I like that as well now, VERY much... but I didn't really believe it when I wrote it! lol - it was more of a yearning for it to be true.
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
First new one from me in a long time.
Kind of a love song, I guess.
Recorded in my new "studio" (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now... shine and don't stop wondering!
**Shine - A A J Russe**
On my way…
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
This is a synopsis of Reg's favourite movie put to music. Sorry about the length but what can you do, when you have a story to tell, you can't cut it short can you? This is one to download for the car to listen to on that boring journey or when…
And I even made it to the end... Nearly gave up after I guessed, but something kept me listening... the fact that the missus wants me to do some cleaning might have helped... but it wasn't just that...
Fascinating journey
This is a synopsis of Reg's favourite movie put to music. Sorry about the length but what can you do, when you have a story to tell, you can't cut it short can you? This is one to download for the car to listen to on that boring journey or when…
2 minutes to suspect... 5 and a half to actually guess... another minute to confirm title by searching Google in another window...
You're a crazy man! :)
Aw, we tried to make this a bit more pro, but sometimes the really fun moments in life are fleeting. So here it is warts and all. But don't mind that - just get out onto the dance floor with Reg! It's ok: he's up to date on his shots.
Written & Recorded: Feb 26, 2011
This is probably my last track for this year's RPM Challenge (leaving it incomplete for 2011). I'm kind of worn out and not feeling super inspired this year and I sort of…
So I dropped the guitar into DADGAD tuning for the first time, threw a capo on the third fret, rifled off something nice, and sent it to Movement to Contact for his contribution, got it back, did some mixing...
Here is the result.
Final version
An unaccompanied song about bedtime. Not a lullaby though. Oh no!
What does anyone think of the 'cat's moustache' line - it seems like that's a make or break call right there and i like it when i read it but it's hard to sing without…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
Yeah! Has a nice live sound to it, you nailed that.
Rory Gallager type riff, well put together
Oh my. Faved at about 0:08.
Very nice.....
Holy....wow....this is just amazing, vocals, recording...the whole song. Stunning work. Less then 50 seconds and fav'd
Great track. I find you inspiring..
Did I say wow? Wow.... that is amazing. The cupboard called you bro. And you called back. With the grace and style of the greats! Peace T
Dear lord....... Wow... Wow...
Andy, the two Otises,would kill for this one. It's a total winner... Otis span Otis redding. Now Andrew Russe! I am a fan. Steve
you are getting very productive of late andy, is it the cupboard? i wonder? lol. another belter keep em coming.
Wow, I'd forgotten all about this one. She's upstairs having a lie-in. Gonna make her a coffee in a minute... Thanks guys :-)
Up in the wee small hours with little Seb listening to this beauty...suddenly The times just passing again and the cryings stopped ...Thanks
Andrew , Great quality to this higher register,Heart felt and not Whiney. I love this. I could no more sing like this than Wiggle my arms and fly. Great voice
Oh yeh, great groove going on, give me them Blues any time, any where...
"I like that notion of optimism right around the corner . . . but not quite here yet." Yep, I like that as well now, VERY much... but I didn't really believe it when I wrote it! lol - it was more of a yearning for it to be true.
This kind of guitar playing really gets me going. Nice job. I like that notion of optimism right around the corner . . . but not quite here yet.
Wow!!! Loving it all......ooooh dem Blues sure sound good........
that's a damn nice groove and that totally rare thing - a believable vocal! faved
Nice groove. Ever heard any Fred Eaglesmith? Backing reminds me of his band - a very good thing in my world!
Wonderfully bluestastic tune. Great vocals. Love the Muddy Waters-ish guitar too.
Comments made by Andrew Russe
And I even made it to the end... Nearly gave up after I guessed, but something kept me listening... the fact that the missus wants me to do some cleaning might have helped... but it wasn't just that... Fascinating journey
2 minutes to suspect... 5 and a half to actually guess... another minute to confirm title by searching Google in another window... You're a crazy man! :)
Loved that bass sound from the start. Then the whole thing was utterly compelling
Yep, my feets is dancing... Great groove
Like it. Love the guitar sound
This is the first of yours I've heard - you don't sound worn out to me... know how you feel though! Love the feeling this one gives off.
Oh yesss... Love it. I can see there's lots of stuff I've got to listen to on here.
Me and the missus likes this!