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by Andrew Russe


A Different Way

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The last of todays efforts …i’m off to band practice…i love sundays when they work

D Csharp C B Asharp D F G D
i’m sat up top of the mountain
waiting for the sun to fall
waiting for the sun to disappear and closedown
closedown another day

i’ve sat up here for what seems a lifetime
waiting for that special day
where i feel i’m gonna find myself a brand new different way

i’m sitting up on top of the mountain
waiting for the sun to fall
waiting for the sun to disappear and closedown
closedown another day

i’m hoping that tomorrow
a different suns gonna rise
giving me a new beginning for a brand new way
oh i’m hoping that tomorrow
a different sun is gonna rise
giving me a a brand start
a brand new start yeah!!
a brand new start and a different way


i’m sitting up on a mountain
waiting for that brand day
i’m sitting up here waiting for the sun to closedown
closedown another day

i’ve sat up here for whats a lifetime
waiting for that special day
where i feel i’m gonna find myself and that different way

oh i’m hope tomorrow will rise
with a different sun than today
with a new beginning for everyone
and a brand new start for a brand new way

oh i’m sitting up here at the top of the mountain
waiting for the end of the day
waiting for the sun to disappear and closedown another day
i’ve sat up here for whats a lifetime
waiting for that special day
where i feel i’m gonna find myself myself myself
a different way

oh i’m hoping that tomorrow
a different sun is gonna rise
giving me that brand new beginning and a different way
i’ve sat up here for whats a lifetime
waiting for that special day
where i feel i’m gonna find myself and i find
yeah i find that different way
find that different way
find that different way
find that different way
find that different way

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh, gorgeous organ sound.

Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

An interesting, tasty chord arrangement. Cool poetry. Digging that trippy organ.
