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by Andrew Russe


Her Own Museum (Remix)

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Never been happy with the original mix as it butchered Phil’s drum work. He did an amazing job, and deserved better. So this is better…not as good as his playing, but better than it was.


I was doing a search there on Yahoo
Reading headlines like smart people do
Kylie Minogue’s got a museum
Like her hot pants? You can see ‘em!
I won’t be in line. How ’bout you?

I have wept in the garden at Graceland
And I’ve toured the downstairs of the King
And I’ve visited the shrine
to the late, great Patsy Cline
Man, there was a pair that could sing

Bridge: Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
and the notion’s got me little bit vexed
Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
got me wondering what sub-legend is next

I proudly fly my freak flag at half mast
on the passing dates of Hank, George and John
Momma wore out many needles
Spinning 45’s of Beatles
And way too many great ones that’s gone

I have only so much room in my heart now
So pardon me if I can’t get enthusiastic
Maybe her hot pants would be dear
If she showed up in ‘em here
I’d try my best not to go all spastic

Bridge: Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
Give the fan-boys something to do
Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
When is one…gonna get erected for you

Bridge: Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
Everybody’s back needs a little pat
Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
If she wants one, what’s wrong with that?

Well I’m sure that she is a fine lady
Since she’s got a museum and all
Shouldn’t get in such a tizz
when you don’t know who she is
You wanna go? Go…have a ball.

Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum
Kylie Minogue’s got her own museum

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Nice lively pro mix, great song. Love that halftime section!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Haven't heard the original mix, but I love this.
