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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Look Away

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Overall this one seems okay to me. The performance is pretty awful, but this song is all right. I don’t like the transition from the first hook into the first verse. It feels awkward, but the second time seems better. Weird. Is it just a question of volume?

The lyrics are (once again) more or less stream of consciousness. Nothing really to write home about.

ES 335 into Vox AC15 and Fender Bassbreaker 15. Pedals for rhythm are Klon KTR and Mooer Yellowfall for a little slap back. Lead used a Ryra The Klone and a Keeley Super Phat Mod. I’m starting to think I need to try some different overdrive options. Maybe a Tube Screamer into the Ryra? Maybe? We’ll see. Plenty more songs left to go.

say the words you need to say
that we need to hear
we won’t last another day
let me make that clear

Verse 1
almost as if you knew what was coming
what was coming
almost a reason why you are running
you’re running

verse 2
almost as if you’re betting on failure
bet on failure
almost as if you wanted a savior
a savior

look away
look away
not today

come what may
come what may
never say

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Cool chorus on this one... but you're right there's something... It really shines later on after the bridge- I like the interaction between the vocal, bass and guitar - really bounces. But earlier it doesn't have the same effect and I can't really spot the difference - except the later one is surrounded by instrumental and maybe feels looser? The earlier ones feel a bit "held back" and "correct", and they don't draw attention to themselves like the later one. They also leads straight into and out of a verse section that doesn't sound a lot different - maybe you're right, maybe volume? Maybe take the drums down on the sung verses? Something to make the chorus stick out more? But yeah, this is a cool one.
