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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Three Times More

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Another formerly poorly recorded song… Really a piece of poetry that was put to music (a hit-or-miss approach for me that seemed to work well on this one).

Three Times More

Dad plants his spring garden
For a good summer bounty he’s praying
And though turned earth gets hard
He finds worth in the ground he’s surveying
All the time on his knees
In addition to earning a living
Gets paid off when he sees us all
Passing the crops at Thanksgiving

Jessie runs in her red boots
In snow drifts that grew all December
Covered up all the dead roots
Their presence she doesn’t remember
And it’s worth every minute
Just rolling around in the powder
Till I’m all covered in it
Her laughter gets louder and louder

What you put out in the world
Will come back to you three times more
From a small stone that is hurled
Waves will find their way back to the shore
Send her one of your smiles and she’ll give you back
Three times the laughter
Walk with her a few miles
You’ll find happily, ever, and after

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Haha "Another poorly recorded song .." gimme a break :-p

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This one's a bit special.

stoman's avatar
stoman said

I've listened to three of your songs so far, and I loved them all. I guess I will have to download and listen to the others when I find the time. I'm sure they are all great songs too.
