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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Big Legged Woman

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This song written by Mark Imsdahl..I found it over at Greg Connor’s …I liked it so much that I asked Greg and Mark if I could do an electric version of it and they agreed…i want to have Mark blow some harp on it when he gets back from vacation.
All instruments, vocals and arrangement by Ron Rouch
Thanks to Greg for hooking me up with Mark and a fun blues tune!!!

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Damn, Ron, you're awesome!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Oh Yeah . . . I get an instant smile when I listen to this. Over the top . . . The only way to go.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Oh Snookie Snookie Snookie!

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Thanks everyone for the great comments... I owe the inspiration to Greg and Mark!!!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Right from the opening guitar notes... (faved right then, didn't care what might follow!) ... stately stuff, superb. I've been fave-ing a lot of stuff recently, this is one where I felt like I needed a "super-fave" button... Love it.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Still Laughing

Guest said

I like it! Greg told me that you would probably throw a Good Gawd or two into it... nice embellishments all around! As far as I'm concerned, the old Delta/Chicago blues scene contains a treasure trove of fodder for reworks like this. I'll see if Greg and I can get together and work out some harp playing for your version.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

*GOOD GAWD* Rita and I are still giggling. . . Now that is entertainment.
