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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Worth It

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soooooooo this is an acoustic-y (technical term) song about something… reevaluating the lyrics suggests possibly a murder? (tho idk it can mean anything tbh)…
i wrote this song today and then recorded it today and then was like wooaah why can’t i be this productive with college work lol? XD

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

We're liking the two voice thing.

Guest said

Thanks for the comment on 'area 151', glad you enjoyed. You have a pleasent vocal tone..I only wish I had he same. Cheers.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Interesting, intriguing, unique style. I dig. Especially enjoyed the dual vocal tracks -- nice mix down/mastering job.
