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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Blue eyed boy

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It all started with a tinkle on the ivories

     Blue eyed boy

some say you’ve got it
The gift of the gab
The harmonious Tounge
That can sing a love song
With all the good intentions gone
Somewhere some blue eyed boy weeps all night long
With loves song
buzzing in his ear
All night long
He hears
Loves sweet song
allnight long

a wind of change changedhis mind
the blue eyed boy no longer sees you as the women with it all
All he sees
Is the shell
That lonely lonely shell
With Bitterness
Eating up that loveliness inside
the cloak of invisilabilty
Shielding to everymans eye
Your Lost your beauty
Your lost it to time
Your hook has no bait
And its lost its shine
You Wear your loneliness upon that once beautiful face
The blue eyed boy shields his eyes

You could be fascinating
but now the fascinations gone
All those hearts you burned
All the eyes you turned
Fall from you

some say you’ve got it
I knew you had it
The harmonious Tounge
That can sing a love song
With all the good intentions gone
Somewhere some blue eyed boy still weeps all night long
With your love song still buzzing in his ears

That wind of change
Changed his mind
Now your cloak of invisibility
Shines in every mans eyes
But your love song still echos through the blue eyed mans mind

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Aw yes... love it. And it reminds me - I haven't finished listening to Lonely in the Park :/
