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Andrew Russe's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Andrew Russe


Heartbreaker (Regged)

Uploaded .

Another for the back to basics Zep album….Thanks Andy R for suggesting it………..

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice. I'm digging the piano playing - sounds great with your singing

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I really enjoyed this. That piano sounds great!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

AH! Here it is :) And it's INSPIRED! Love what you've done with the piano - I wondered how you'd deal with making an arrangement... And the vox - woof! Well, if Percy doesn't want to play, perhaps Mr Page ought to get in touch with you?

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

You can't argue with those pipes.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I dig your handle of the keys and your vocal delivery – ROCK ON!
