Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff

James Michael Taylor's avatar
A song that Rick Babb started and I helped finish. (He brought me the first verse and the chorus and the music.) HERE COMES LONELY Ronnie says it's over but I don't believe I'm not willing to give up I'm not willing to see She's made up…
Guest said

Here is ANOTHER great Rick Babb song!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
This is a Rick Babb song. Hey! What's that sound You're not around The silence makes me see Just what you meant to me It's quiet tonight Ah, you're not coming back You drove away I watched you pack I can't hear a thing But the sound…
Guest said

Yes, this is a great song. When I was allowed the honor of choosing my own "Best Of JMT" collection, I am proud to say... in that collection, I included another great Rick Babb song... "Here Comes Lonely" You know, Jimmy... I think I have a CD... someplace, in some drawer or box... tossed in with my collection of JMT "Works In Progress" and my collection of... "Hey, JohnQ, here is new song I'm working on!" CD's... well, that CD I am thinking of... I believe it is called... something like... Babb-ylon... ??? Maybe even a Babb-ylon II... ??? Think I'll go look... see if I can find it... see if I can find them...

James Michael Taylor's avatar
The Winnowing Wind I feel the wind blow thru me Oh, please don't let it undo me Let it level and true me The Wind. The Winnowing Wind And here I stand, alone, against the wind, And, who am I to think that I Can stand alone against the…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Very nice! I like the way you’ve composed this song; it is musically expressive of the central metaphor. Jenni Mansfield Peal

James Michael Taylor's avatar
The Winnowing Wind I feel the wind blow thru me Oh, please don't let it undo me Let it level and true me The Wind. The Winnowing Wind And here I stand, alone, against the wind, And, who am I to think that I Can stand alone against the…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Wow! Beautiful lyrics and accompanying music.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
The Winnowing Wind I feel the wind blow thru me Oh, please don't let it undo me Let it level and true me The Wind. The Winnowing Wind And here I stand, alone, against the wind, And, who am I to think that I Can stand alone against the…
Guest said

I love the way this song moves the chords fluidly, appropriate to the subject. Very pretty! And I have felt the winds of change blow through me, as well as atmospheric winds, so I like the metaphor.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE SWING When I was a child we'd drive 200 miles To Gramma’s in the Spring I’d hop out of the car. Run to her back yard. Gramma had a swing The times have changed... And when I became a dad I took all the rope I had And tied it to…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"That was brilliant. We are crying." Maria Moss

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE SWING When I was a child we'd drive 200 miles To Gramma’s in the Spring I’d hop out of the car. Run to her back yard. Gramma had a swing The times have changed... And when I became a dad I took all the rope I had And tied it to…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Beautiful James

James Michael Taylor's avatar
DOG PARK Everybody meet me down at the DOG PARK If you need me I’ll be down at the DOG PARK Sunday afternoon and I’m bound for the DOG PARK Everybody gets along at the DOG PARK White and black and brown at the DOG PARK Nobody’s looking…
Guest said

Love it!Share it with everyone.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE SWING When I was a child we'd drive 200 miles To Gramma’s in the Spring I’d hop out of the car. Run to her back yard. Gramma had a swing The times have changed... And when I became a dad I took all the rope I had And tied it to…
MinnesotaCoffeeTable's avatar
MinnesotaCoffeeTable said

The last note was from Colleen via the MN coffee table

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE SWING When I was a child we'd drive 200 miles To Gramma’s in the Spring I’d hop out of the car. Run to her back yard. Gramma had a swing The times have changed... And when I became a dad I took all the rope I had And tied it to…
MinnesotaCoffeeTable's avatar
MinnesotaCoffeeTable said

What a pretty but melancholy song. Truer words never spoken. Such a poignant visual.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
I wrote this at my dad's urging. He likes it. We sing it together. I have YouTube Video of it up. EULOGY He grew up in Clinton, Oklahoma Red dirt back yard, Gramma's place Honey suckle in a dust bowl Life as hard as limestone lace…
Guest said

I like what I am listening to.....

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Since my ear found your voice And my eye found your face All the sights and the noise Will never erase The song I started singing The song I sing today... (C) 2019 Royal T Music I wrote this about Violet.
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful and Heartfelt song!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Yeah, I know. I can't understand it either. TESLA Who invented remote control? TESLA Who invented the fluorescent light? TESLA Who invented the radio? TESLA And who died alone and forgotten in 1943? TESLA So, you say now, “Don’t be…
Guest said

This poem is a master piece.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
M E L I S S A Key of G These are letters I like to say - M E L I S S A These are notes I like to play…… Letters that sparkle. Notes that jingle Make a little song in my heart There’s a song in my heart today - M E L I S S A I wish…
Guest said

I like it.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Florencia - I would telll you the chords but I don't know what they are... The tide is going out in Avila I can feel it in my blood Here I am in South beach Florida Just like you knew I would Florencia, I've been waiting…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Florencia Di Concilio It’s not the first time someone writes me a song, though it is the very first time I actually like it. I love the song, to tell you the truth! You’re awesome James Michael Taylor! You made my day. ❤️

James Michael Taylor's avatar
LANCASTER STREET Midnight in Cowtown. 90 degrees Too hot for a blanket. Too hot for a sheet The trash on the sidewalk is trying to sleep Breathing the bus fumes on Lancaster Street Sunshine brings tacos. Sunshine brings beans. Sunshine…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Laurie Callinan - Its very beautiful. Love the line about the garbage trying to sleep.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
LANCASTER STREET Midnight in Cowtown. 90 degrees Too hot for a blanket. Too hot for a sheet The trash on the sidewalk is trying to sleep Breathing the bus fumes on Lancaster Street Sunshine brings tacos. Sunshine brings beans. Sunshine…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Connie Pittman Ramsey Visually sorrowful and heartfelt.... Thank you James, once again, for going where most dare not go

James Michael Taylor's avatar
My buddy Lu Mitchell went the way of a song yesterday... Sad. MISSING LU I will miss you, now that you’re gone I will miss you, as I carry on I held your hand up a step or two Now I will miss you. I will miss you There are those who…
Guest said

Nice tribute. Thoughtful and to the point. She will be missed.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
My buddy Lu Mitchell went the way of a song yesterday... Sad. MISSING LU I will miss you, now that you’re gone I will miss you, as I carry on I held your hand up a step or two Now I will miss you. I will miss you There are those who…
Guest said

A beautiful tribute, James. We miss you too!! Jerry Lobdill

James Michael Taylor's avatar
YOU There's a place in my mind Where your face had a home Long before you walked into my life Before you were a known There's a note in my song That I knew fit somewhere Tho the journey was long I hoped i wouldn't be wrong You would…
Guest said

This is one of the VERY best songs I have EVER heard. And I do NOT mean it is one of the very best JMT songs I have ever heard... I MEAN it is one of the very best songs I have heard... EVER... period! And this is one of the VERY best albums that I have EVER owned! And I am 64 damn years old! So I have owned a lot of very damn good albums! As a 64 year old Baby boomer, I have heard a lot of very very good songs and a lot of very good albums... and still... this song still makes me cry. Thank you, so very very much, James Michael Taylor, for your music! Your music has meant a lot to me in my Life!
