Comments on Lady Jane's stuff

Lady Jane's avatar
Hazy Memories, with voices and context. (I've had a lot of surgery; none of it cosmetic, I might add!) Thanks Dr Jip! Enjoy xox
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Ooh Hippy trip.....Time for a spiff.... think I'll plead the fifth on this comment !!!!

Lady Jane's avatar
Hazy Memories, with voices and context. (I've had a lot of surgery; none of it cosmetic, I might add!) Thanks Dr Jip! Enjoy xox
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

oooh!! Yeah!! Dr.J......say Aaaah again Lady Jane..........i think i need some Penadrine......Whats Penadrine?? must be good if it makes you laugh like that..........Great stuff....

Lady Jane's avatar
Hazy Memories, with voices and context. (I've had a lot of surgery; none of it cosmetic, I might add!) Thanks Dr Jip! Enjoy xox
jip's avatar
jip said

Take 1 of these 3 times a day

Lady Jane's avatar
Hazy Memories, with voices and context. (I've had a lot of surgery; none of it cosmetic, I might add!) Thanks Dr Jip! Enjoy xox
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Now that works. I love the aahs leading into and through the string section.

Lady Jane's avatar
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with! Silent and magical Calming and practical Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Filtering through the air Twinkling in our hair Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Dancing on the leaves of trees Shaking…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said


Lady Jane's avatar
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'. I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I think you Guys really caught a good few of the colours of Love in this Tune. What a superb meditative vocal! LOVE this!

Lady Jane's avatar
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'. I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Lovely vibe to this tune. Feel like I'm sitting in a sunny field with a big one burnin'!

Lady Jane's avatar
Messing with a few of my 'oldies' (lol) for my mum's 70th birthday CD :) Enjoy! xox
rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Cool jazz man - very Blue Note. Love it!

Lady Jane's avatar
Beatles cover (with backwards bit too!) Vocals and 'didgeridoo' only - if anybody wants to put some music on this, feel free! Enjoy xox
Vortexia's avatar
Vortexia said

Just started using this site and you were the first UK artist I found, Great twist of the B side of paperback writer. Visited the New Forest numerois times by the way! Freaky reverse ending too

Lady Jane's avatar
I was brought up listening to The Beatles, and the weather this week has compelled me to do this sunshiney cover. Enjoy and have a happy weekend! xox
Guest said

aha, brilliant too.

Lady Jane's avatar
I tried to write a harmony and some lyrics and failed miserably *sigh*. I originally called this 'Inside my mind', but I've renamed to suit :) Enjoy x
Guest said

Ah, the Lady, Jane, my heart in rain and sun and moon and some country babababing with the rolling bass and all that lapsteel. You please. Wot no vox?

Lady Jane's avatar
I've had the backing track to this sitting in MixCraft since I got the program. This morning was Karaoke time! Oh yeah! Enjoy xox
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

No, it's the intro to Ka Ching! :)

Lady Jane's avatar
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with! Silent and magical Calming and practical Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Filtering through the air Twinkling in our hair Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Dancing on the leaves of trees Shaking…
Guest said

nice retro touch

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been messing about with my virtual keyboard this week, in preparation of an amazing collaboration I'll be working on soon :) Beat and sax are from Mixcraft. Enjoy! xox
Guest said

excellent work

Lady Jane's avatar
I've had the backing track to this sitting in MixCraft since I got the program. This morning was Karaoke time! Oh yeah! Enjoy xox
Guest said

Cute intro, is that a slowed down version of Pink Floyed's money intro ;-) Wonderful song and singing, by the way

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been messing about with my virtual keyboard this week, in preparation of an amazing collaboration I'll be working on soon :) Beat and sax are from Mixcraft. Enjoy! xox
Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks)'s avatar
Stan Gadziola AKA (gadzooks) said

What a voice ... I enjoyed this very much and thanks so much for the welcome! Cheers SG

Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane's one woman band! No loops today - I got all my instruments out - all being guitar (played with plectrum in neck without realising - oops!), bongos, rain stick, ting sha bells, tibetan singing bowl and tinkly bell thing from my miniature…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Now you cant beat a bit of Bob........

Lady Jane's avatar
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with! Silent and magical Calming and practical Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Filtering through the air Twinkling in our hair Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Dancing on the leaves of trees Shaking…
darkarma's avatar
darkarma said

Kick ass again I see. :)

Lady Jane's avatar
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'. I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
Guest said

Beautiful, such a pleasure to hear other instruments.

Lady Jane's avatar
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with! Silent and magical Calming and practical Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Filtering through the air Twinkling in our hair Moonbeams, silver moonbeams Dancing on the leaves of trees Shaking…
Guest said

Delightful, nice chord changes
