Comments on Reefwalker's stuff

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

sweet! the gong is not even the coolest thing here. the guitar and effects are really awesome here. the gong's pretty damn cool too.

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Wow. Now I gotta go find a gong. Let's see. 50 gallon drum? kid's head? Neighbor's Beemer? Hmmm. There's a gong around here somewhere.

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Guest said

Ethereal, floating, meditative...underwater...gong.

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Guest said

Love the intro. Sounds like it's playing under water. Waiting for the gong! Ahhhh, cracker!!!

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Killer tune bud! GONG!! :)

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Howard Ostrow Guitarist's avatar
Howard Ostrow Guitarist said

Enjoyed the piece. Nice textures

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
hojorising's avatar
hojorising said

Yes, Gilmore and Dire Straits! Sounds cool. Bang a Gong Chairman Bruce

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

lets gong it on......

Reefwalker's avatar
This song is not for everyone but I like it because its a live recording with a single instrument using infinity delay FX. (I turned on the loop delay at :09 after the guitar was flat on the floor.) All the sounds are made with an acoustic bass…
jqscutt's avatar
jqscutt said


Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

V, : ) No, believe it or not, the gong is actually not Norms. I sampled this one at at Hojorisin's house

Reefwalker's avatar
I have issues at my house, sometimes they manifest themselves in my tracks. In this case, the bassoon and oboe represent the mouse. The guitar is the peanut-butter.
jqscutt's avatar
jqscutt said

I love this tune. I'd like to take a crack at it without the oboe too.

Reefwalker's avatar
Sometimes, you just have to make a track so that you can play that big ass gong - you know the one im talking about. 4 guitar tracks and one for the gong. Various FX for guitar including a sustain FX which seems to go well with the gong droning…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I think sometimes you have stolen the essence of David Gilmore and concentrated it in your guitar. Is that possibly the same gong I had the pleasure to meet after a cheesy western?

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said


Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Norm's avatar
Norm said

That's it. I quit.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Guest said

yea I definitely agree. Great song.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Guest said

Yeah, I'm right in there. Love your vocal.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Added to my collection. Real nice tune.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Guest said

Haha, my 3 year old is staring in to space, swaying.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Love those vocal changes Reef. Great mix.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
Guest said

This one seems to have really caught on - amazingly emotive song-writing, and just plain wonderful delivery.
