Comments on Roger M. Harris's stuff

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Something for a Lazy Sunday.......
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I've lost everything else, but I'm still alivin', so everything's OK. Dig that banjo, or banjo-sounding instrument. Great lyrics and gently-psychedelic music. Rock on!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Something for a Lazy Sunday.......
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Bob Dylan came to mind on that opening. A real good one here.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Something for a Lazy Sunday.......
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lots of trouble . . . but still happy! That's the way to do it!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Something for a Lazy Sunday.......
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said


Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I know, trying to kill one of my favourite songs is madness, but the story is ... my daughter was getting lonely in her flat so she got herself a friend, Roscoe the Pug, could've tried to write one, but came in my head. I'll take the flack…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

A silly video about Roscoe the Pug my daughter's 'Baby'

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Nicely done.....

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I just found this today. What a treat! I like that driving beat, and the whine of the harmonica. Excellent Roger!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A little bit of silliness, blame Greg Connor I say !!!!!!
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Cool song.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Very cool meter and combination of sounds.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
Guest said

Nice one Roger ,i like it ,great guitar and mix. this is Andy who works with Ron Rouch in case you were wondering :-)

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Nice brooding blues .....

Roger M. Harris's avatar
An old song re-vamped. Thanks Greg you know how to get my creative juices flowing !!!!
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Very uplifting song. Perfect accompaniment to a perfect evening!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a little bit of Blues
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Lovin' Seasick Steve at Glasto.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Ok, here's Fran's version (the good wife)and she did it in only two takes!! Hand's up from me, her one's best. Damn !!!!
Double Trouble's avatar
Double Trouble said

Happy Anniversary! We totally enjoyed our listen! Nice stuff...great listen! Alan & Di (aka Double Trouble)

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Ok, here's Fran's version (the good wife)and she did it in only two takes!! Hand's up from me, her one's best. Damn !!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Blimey, I've be married for 39 year's today to this lovely Lass, don't time fly, X X X TO HER.....

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Not about my own life...... just a fertile mind.... while I still have one !!! Played in Open D
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

like it, very melodic, great lyrics.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Where this came from, I've no idea !!!! Had the music track recorded, no lyrics, then had the first verse. The rest was wrote on the hoof, as I recorded the vocal. Plus I'm a non-believer, Oh well, Have Mercy !!!
the mystery tramp's avatar
the mystery tramp said

SIGN HERE!!! (As they would have said in the 60s)

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I know, trying to kill one of my favourite songs is madness, but the story is ... my daughter was getting lonely in her flat so she got herself a friend, Roscoe the Pug, could've tried to write one, but came in my head. I'll take the flack…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

The things we do for family.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Not about my own life...... just a fertile mind.... while I still have one !!! Played in Open D
Guest said

Hey, Roger. How did you know it was a Dog Day

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I know, trying to kill one of my favourite songs is madness, but the story is ... my daughter was getting lonely in her flat so she got herself a friend, Roscoe the Pug, could've tried to write one, but came in my head. I'll take the flack…
Guest said

Love it, Iam walking the dog in my kitchen
