Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This one almost got abandoned, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with it. It started as I was looking for a sound for another track (which really isn't getting anywhere) and I came across a chime sound that I thought would be lovely with a…
Guest said

The mannequins! They're ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This one almost got abandoned, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with it. It started as I was looking for a sound for another track (which really isn't getting anywhere) and I came across a chime sound that I thought would be lovely with a…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Never throw anything you've created away. I've come close and always been happy about keeping stuff later. As to this track, supercool. Especially when that buzzy thing comes sweeping through. Awesome.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This one almost got abandoned, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with it. It started as I was looking for a sound for another track (which really isn't getting anywhere) and I came across a chime sound that I thought would be lovely with a…
glu's avatar
glu said

whew, good thing you kept this one. I like the chime.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
discoLust MACHINE's avatar
discoLust MACHINE said


Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
Chris McGrath's avatar
Chris McGrath said

Like it! Especially the beats, halfway through I was thinking of wailing robots echoing through a very large spaceship

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

And thank you all guys. It's great to get feedback :)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

MM: Well ... it hadn't occurred to me but I did just buy my first dub album and listen to it today ... maybe it did influence me.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

So far the comments have been about the sounds and their scariness. For me, however, the magic comes from those sounds used with a fairly funky and happy motif. The juxtaposition is very cool. Strange as it sounds, I hear a dub influence (cue you saying WTF?!?)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
Guest said

OK, eeeeasy. Move away from the sharp objects. ...Possibly reserve more intelligent listens/comments until the morning, but suffice to say, I think you probably achieved what you set out to achieve. *scared*

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
glu's avatar
glu said

okay, sandbags, time for a scary clown avatar. this one will make it difficult to turn out the light tonight.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Space Trumpet was an excuse to try out my new plugin "Little Spacey" from Expert Sleepers and also to exercise the Kore sounds from Acoustic Refractions. MIDI was supplied via IAC from Reaktor using Lazyfish's Spiral sequencer. The project…
Skidoo!'s avatar
Skidoo! said

So *that's* what a space trumpet sounds like. I had always wondered.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Like this nice and raw nice one

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Hard to pass up a great title like this one. ;) (Excellent use of Augustus Loop, btw...)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
glu's avatar
glu said


Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I never know what to say while I'm listening to this but I have to keep coming back and listen again!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
Guest said

Ooh twinkly and thought-provoking. Makes me think of the ghost of a child following someone and hiding quickly behind corners and in doorways whenever the person being followed turns to look. I hear churchbells too. Haunting!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Suspenceful...with ambient and cinematic overtones. One to really get the imagination working.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…

Atmospheric with a world beauty.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Wow- There should be a film to go with this. I'm not going to see it alone though!! Great sounds

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Sounds good here! It turns my sunny green garden into the Outback!!
