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skiks/bruce hamilton's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by skiks/bruce hamilton



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I’ll tell you one thing for sure… I wouldn’t trust no words written down on no piece of paper, especially from no Dickinson out in the town of Machine… you’re just as likely to find your own grave.

the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar

Great track and great film! Part of it was shot at an old wild west town not far from here. Excited to listen to the rest of these!

skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
skiks/bruce hamilton said

hells yeah. as they say.

Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard said

Wow. Huge, bottom heavy sound. I never would have thought that was a tele. Makes me think I should blow the dust off my own telecaster copy.

Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard said

Great job at recapturing that mood and tone without stepping on any toes. I can picture the train rolling toward Machine, rifles out the window. They're shooting buffalo. Is that a Gretsch? (My favourite movie, by the way.)

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Great movie and soundtrack, i'm going to be enjoying this set of tracks.....

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn! This is some wild stuff!
