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skiks/bruce hamilton's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by skiks/bruce hamilton



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This beat was made while teaching my Sound I summer class about making sample-based beats in Reason software. It is named after the new Circulator energy-efficient free bus in Baltimore. My main non-drum samples here are from my piece “Granite Breathing” for brass quintet and percussion, a trill from a Bach cello suite, a bit of toy piano that I recorded myself, and a flutey slice of an orchestral piece by my former composition teacher Param Vir.

Drop D's avatar
Drop D said

Am I hearing a bit of Bill Laswell influence here?

Drop D's avatar
Drop D said

Heavy head bobbin' beat! Coulda been a bit longer, eh?

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

..yes indeed.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

..yeah, senor!

Gen. Libra's avatar
Gen. Libra said

Jah approved! (p.s, it's totally cool to use my track for the class website, no objections here)

Guest said

nicccceee n dirty. i could see a sweet b-more remix of this
