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skiks/bruce hamilton's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by skiks/bruce hamilton


End of Summer

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Recorded at a cottage in the Canadian woods in late August.

b3nny's avatar
b3nny said

I've been listening, and this is very dreamy roomy stuff (in general). Easy on the ear. I kept feeling this particular track was just on the verge of taking me somewhere I really want to go. Excellent.

Guest said

Hey George! brilliant stuff mate!... sounds like my babys heart in the middle!!...good for the brain!!....youll see me under rough takes!!... you may like month of june? Cheers!!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very Nice! Enjoyed that!

Big Joe Silence's avatar
Big Joe Silence said

if i left this on repeat all night i might take up painting again. this is a good thing.
