Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never really understood Love.......... not in last 20years since first hearing this song's still all a Mystery to him................
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

you sing boy. really good!

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of a Psychfest down the cellar .......we had a noodle and some tea ...........and that was that........ what were we to do........the circus had come to town.......
Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

"but i don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "how do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here." --- I think Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has possibly contributed more inspiration to art than any other creation in recent history than any other work :) Good job, dug the hell out of your song!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard shamoozey do this one the other day and enjoyed listening to his version, it got me remembering that I first sang this as a young boy soloist in the Choir for the Christmas carol concert. I recall being scared and thrilled at the same…
Guest said

I love hymns, this one is very special. Lovely and tender! Well sung. I had to sing, "Hush my dear, lie still and slumber."

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never really understood Love.......... not in last 20years since first hearing this song's still all a Mystery to him................
Guest said

No-one could say this cover is a carbon copy. Good one Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of a Psychfest down the cellar .......we had a noodle and some tea ...........and that was that........ what were we to do........the circus had come to town.......
Guest said

"Curiouser and curiouser!"

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through you tube videos and was shocked at what he saw......... THE PLAGUE OF METH (Lyrics) She seems twisted in her agony her pain is visible its destroyed her tormented…
Guest said

Grim pictures on the youtube. You nailed the problem here Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Guest said

Yeah Bob, but apart from the obvious, why? Find yourself a nice girl, someone you can take home to meet your mother!

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Andy Casson's song Old ladies over on Songcrafters and it got Reg thinking........... could this be the last song i ever Reg went down the cellar to write a one chord song using only the notes that make…
Guest said

Amazing what can be done with one chord. Remarkably atmospheric!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
Guest said

You'll get there Reg, in the meantime, just live your dream. New Zealand is nice!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard shamoozey do this one the other day and enjoyed listening to his version, it got me remembering that I first sang this as a young boy soloist in the Choir for the Christmas carol concert. I recall being scared and thrilled at the same…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Now Reg, there is still a lot of truth in this one. Beautiful job!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

America's going to love you Reg. Make sure to swing by the Blue Ridge Mountains when you get here.

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Good grief! Reg, stop introducing her to your friends... if Bob gets mixed up with her he will change his tune to "Don't be Happy - Worry!"

thetworegs's avatar
Reg got to wondering...What does happen when the money runs many people are going to be homeless through this recession, the people who are going to lose it all and end up on the streets.......and also the ones already out there…
Guest said

There's a great deal of empathy here Reg. This is a wonderful public conscience song.

thetworegs's avatar
Another of Reg's loves in through the out door................... SHE’S GONE (Lyrics) She doesn’t need me she doesn’t want me She has gone She’s closed the door on my life although i’ve done no wrong i Can’t tell what she wants Don…
Guest said

It's alright Reg, we're your friends and we understand.

thetworegs's avatar
i think the title says it all.....the easy ones from the Beatles music book........More Regged up beatles but no Elvis he has gone off in a sulk he never did like them and he thinks were doing too much of them.......
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

best Eleanor Rigby cover. thankyou for being so full of win. I hope you been grooving down to some Engwish Bwudd, broman. Keep up the phenomenally fantastic work.

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of a Psychfest down the cellar .......we had a noodle and some tea ...........and that was that........ what were we to do........the circus had come to town.......
Mustang's avatar
Mustang said

Got a stranglers feeling to it - sounds like Peaches. Well structured stuff, but will the kids like the echo effects? They should!

thetworegs's avatar
A bit of a Psychfest down the cellar .......we had a noodle and some tea ...........and that was that........ what were we to do........the circus had come to town.......
Nosda Cariad's avatar
Nosda Cariad said

Was that herb'al tea? :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never really understood Love.......... not in last 20years since first hearing this song's still all a Mystery to him................
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Interesting and totally unique

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cool piano mate

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate excellent
