Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Heres the funky one with Horns...........
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Funky indeed .....

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Hi- Di - Hi , love it....Roll one for me ......

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been waiting for this day for what seems an age....and now it's here...Today is the day.... Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day Todays got to be the day i’m going to pack all those bad things in a suitcase and walk…
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet said

Oh so redolent.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the final track for my rpm album....Reg realizes he has to love the life he leads because there's only one bite of the apple and there's no second chances........ You Gotta love the life you need MY LIFE IS FULL OF REGRET AND OH SO FULL…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has decided he's never gonna be financially stable so he going looking for what money can't buy LOVE! come little closer come on come close come a little nearer where i can see you the most i want you i want your love all i need all…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Your a rich man.

thetworegs's avatar
Now Reg has finally come round to reality he's starting to think about his future......He needs to be financially secure........... I’m trying to play the game keep my head and body tamed I’m trying to do whatever i have to to get along…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

It's a Broadway show tune.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is doing well but everything around him seems to be stopped or running at half its on rewind....he's findiing it hard adjusting to the normal pace of life after all those years on fast forward....... STUCK IN A CLOUD CAN NOT…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Super mix Regs. Vox are spot on man.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been waiting for this day for what seems an age....and now it's here...Today is the day.... Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day Todays got to be the day i’m going to pack all those bad things in a suitcase and walk…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

It's a chart topper. Great hook. Then Frank Zappa and the Mothers showed up. I hear a southern Baptist choir singing on this around 7 minutes in. Fun, fun song Amigo. I really enjoyed it.

thetworegs's avatar
The RPM journey begins here....Reg has fallen again it was soon after he got wagon he was falling off...but he's come to a crossroads and this time he means it this time....things are going to change..... TOMORROW IT STOPS Another week just…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

well Reg your ok by me,, this is a bit Dylan esk,, to my ears...take care and keep writing such interesting music r

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
Guest said

cool tune...cheers

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the final track for my rpm album....Reg realizes he has to love the life he leads because there's only one bite of the apple and there's no second chances........ You Gotta love the life you need MY LIFE IS FULL OF REGRET AND OH SO FULL…
Guest said

Perfect way to end the album... on a positive note.. GO REG! Nice one Trevor!

thetworegs's avatar
Here's the final track for my rpm album....Reg realizes he has to love the life he leads because there's only one bite of the apple and there's no second chances........ You Gotta love the life you need MY LIFE IS FULL OF REGRET AND OH SO FULL…
Phaedrus's avatar
Phaedrus said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
igor's avatar
igor said

Let's step higher, Were larks are. Let's up To the sky, Where the light is, Where blues is. ~Saga continues while we're here~

thetworegs's avatar
DJBride put this backer up on Songcrafters looking for some lyrics and i couldn't resist so here's my second Friday nights offering for you ears...the original instrumental can be found here…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Dave can really put a tune together.....

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
Guest said

yea sometimes I really do agree...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
Phaedrus's avatar
Phaedrus said

Nice, if that's the right word, different poison but I get it :)

thetworegs's avatar
We got the Brass band back in for this one....although..Reg is trying to hide away from the world he can't find love he can't find a job he likes he's only just keeping a hold of the reigns but the good thing is he's not drinking........ i’ve…
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet said

Neil Diamond and Leonard Cohen walk into a bar... I love it.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is not thinking right..........he just lonely...but not everyone understands that..... (Igor very kindly offered to remix this version for me...Thank you Igor) The curtain was raised the show began i took a breath as she came on there…
Guest said

Good song Trev.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is not thinking right..........he just lonely...but not everyone understands that..... (Igor very kindly offered to remix this version for me...Thank you Igor) The curtain was raised the show began i took a breath as she came on there…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

This is good stuff....reminiscent of Nick Cave. Great voice, lyrics, and guitar.
