Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

love the drama...I can picture you in the lounge at your piano in a tuxedo. Bow tie undone and a dirty glass in front of you...empty.

thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
Haltia's avatar
Haltia said

Just a fantastic track, Reg and Igor!!

thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nice way to start my morning. Cool collab gents!

thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
Guest said

Great guitar tone! Decent voice, real nice job

thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
igor's avatar
igor said

O! ~ life drifts along, so slow like snow dissolves ... of that day ahead ~

thetworegs's avatar
When i was a boy i used to work in the Brickyards what a place it Dickensian....not a place for a young man with dreams.... I Heard a Whisper (Lyrics) I heard a whisper, that took me back to a scene a scene in my teenage years when i really wanted…
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said


thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created.....Thanks Igor Tiny (Lyrics) Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow he couldn…
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said

fabulous! really gorgeous, words music playing & singing come together wonderfully; lovely guitar & superb voice

thetworegs's avatar
Ken from over on the Cool lab sent me over the music with a backing vocal Bright Green Eyes to have a crack at .......well here it is....Thanks Ken Bright Green Eyes (Lyrics) She was six feet one and beautiful with her Jimmy Choo heels a basque…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Ken from over on the Cool lab sent me over the music with a backing vocal Bright Green Eyes to have a crack at .......well here it is....Thanks Ken Bright Green Eyes (Lyrics) She was six feet one and beautiful with her Jimmy Choo heels a basque…
oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

braw tell yer maw

thetworegs's avatar
I jumped on the backer of Dave Berry's cover of a Blind Faith oldie and we turned it into a Reg- Berry Trio.......
FDR's avatar
FDR said

This is my Saturday night/Sunday morning song haha!

thetworegs's avatar
I jumped on the backer of Dave Berry's cover of a Blind Faith oldie and we turned it into a Reg- Berry Trio.......
Guest said

Nice job guys.

thetworegs's avatar
Ken from over on the Cool lab sent me over the music with a backing vocal Bright Green Eyes to have a crack at .......well here it is....Thanks Ken Bright Green Eyes (Lyrics) She was six feet one and beautiful with her Jimmy Choo heels a basque…
Guest said

I love what you did with this!

thetworegs's avatar
Ken from over on the Cool lab sent me over the music with a backing vocal Bright Green Eyes to have a crack at .......well here it is....Thanks Ken Bright Green Eyes (Lyrics) She was six feet one and beautiful with her Jimmy Choo heels a basque…
Guest said

This Rocks!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is gettin it down on a Saturday night.......
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Nice retro sounds...pimpin it soulfly!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is gettin it down on a Saturday night.......
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said


thetworegs's avatar
I jumped on the backer of Dave Berry's cover of a Blind Faith oldie and we turned it into a Reg- Berry Trio.......
Guest said

Great bent note on "change"

thetworegs's avatar
Heres one of the collabs i have recently done with DJBride, Dave has done all the music and i added the fav so far....hope you enjoy... Saturday Sunday Monday (Lyrics) Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the whole…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

Like the steel town gravel in your voice. Organ is good. cool song.

thetworegs's avatar
I heard Vaisvil's Track earlier and had a bit of time so i thought i'd add a thanks Chris for letting me play......... Drama in the cheap Hotel room 52 (Lyrics) I’m in room 52 and i honestly don’t know what to do you’ve taken…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

Styx is alive on Alonetone. This is very good.

thetworegs's avatar
I heard Vaisvil's Track earlier and had a bit of time so i thought i'd add a thanks Chris for letting me play......... Drama in the cheap Hotel room 52 (Lyrics) I’m in room 52 and i honestly don’t know what to do you’ve taken…
jip's avatar
jip said

Good one Reg
