Its been raining all day so why not write a song about a drought....Thanks for listening
The Water wheel stops under the clear blue sky
The sun burns the crops and there all doomed to die
The knowing know the truth and repeat no lies
This is my first for the 2021 RPM i've decided to write about a series on Channel 4 call Bride at first sight Australia and the Seven year itch Australia Hope you enjoy Thanks for listening
You said I don’t know what you are going through…
My second for the 2021 RPM is about a sayong Ning Surasiang one of the Brides on Bride at first sight came up with The feels which is to describe the feeling just before falling in love . Thanks for listening
When I first met you you did…
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon.........
Men in Trousers
Watch out cause they are everywhere
Their are watching you right now
Their trying to figure out
the where the what and the how
Just how can they open your…
Happy new year......Thanks for listening
Thoughts dreams and lies
There was something on my mind
But I’m sorry i’ve lost it to that moment in time
Silenced by the message acted out on the TV in a silent mime
A dream of existence now…
I stole the title from Paul Mccartney's new album it's nothing like his but i mean if your gonna steal a title thats who you steal it from anyway the idea stemmmed from that ...Thanks for listening
The kiss of Venus it touched me so
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon.........
Men in Trousers
Watch out cause they are everywhere
Their are watching you right now
Their trying to figure out
the where the what and the how
Just how can they open your…
I stole the title from Paul Mccartney's new album it's nothing like his but i mean if your gonna steal a title thats who you steal it from anyway the idea stemmmed from that ...Thanks for listening
The kiss of Venus it touched me so
Not all house's are full of joy at Christmas ......This wasn't actually our house
It was Christmas time at our house sat round the table waiting
Waiting for our father to return from the pub where he‘d a been…
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon.........
Men in Trousers
Watch out cause they are everywhere
Their are watching you right now
Their trying to figure out
the where the what and the how
Just how can they open your…
A collab with Steven Moore's backer from Songcrafters .....
What is it you really want from life have you become who you want to be or are you happy to stay just as you are
You shake a wand and you feel the magic in your…
Another from this afternoons session ......
You know I know that my bloods gotta flow
My heart it beats fast every time time you speak
Nothing is clear apart from people disappear
Life is never complete
I have this fear inside I can…
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon.........
Men in Trousers
Watch out cause they are everywhere
Their are watching you right now
Their trying to figure out
the where the what and the how
Just how can they open your…
Not all house's are full of joy at Christmas ......This wasn't actually our house
It was Christmas time at our house sat round the table waiting
Waiting for our father to return from the pub where he‘d a been…
Not all house's are full of joy at Christmas ......This wasn't actually our house
It was Christmas time at our house sat round the table waiting
Waiting for our father to return from the pub where he‘d a been…
Kari put this backer up on Songcrafters looking for a vocal so i jumped at the chance to collborate again with Kari...Thanks Kari
November’s song w/Redler
Autumn is over, it’s now the season of reflection
Autumn is done and winter is here…
Not all house's are full of joy at Christmas ......This wasn't actually our house
It was Christmas time at our house sat round the table waiting
Waiting for our father to return from the pub where he‘d a been…
Not all house's are full of joy at Christmas ......This wasn't actually our house
It was Christmas time at our house sat round the table waiting
Waiting for our father to return from the pub where he‘d a been…
After an afternoon of painting i needed some release and i think i found it. It took me a while to find the right tone with the Kemper and using the Fender player strat but once i found it i was got a bit down and dirty .....i think…
Kari put this backer up on Songcrafters looking for a vocal so i jumped at the chance to collborate again with Kari...Thanks Kari
November’s song w/Redler
Autumn is over, it’s now the season of reflection
Autumn is done and winter is here…
Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter!
Sometimes, as they say, Christmas do come early. I found Johnny Stone's "Christmas Rock In Oz" under the tree and couldn't wait until Yuletide to unwrap it. What a rockin' gift! I know a bit about…
No black no white
No dark no light
No big no small
You want it all
You go so far, you leave behind
The things you like, you’ll miss them all
On moving sands, you don’t sink
You fly so high, we’re you gonna land?
Everything, everything that…
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....
This started as a simple piano piece from Osckilo, I took that as a beginning point and added the rest (synth, guitar, drums from Boss microBR), turning it into a prog-rock instrumental.
Aarrhhh ye scurvy sons (and daughters) of sea-rats, the pesky pluckers have been at it again.
Pin back yer lug-holes or it's the plank ye'll be hoping for!
This one has been sitting around for a while but I feel it's the best or most interesting of my most recent posts. The inspiration came from listening to an old CD I have of a great band from the 90's. If anybody can name the band that I gained…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Good stuff ....
Oh yeah! Nice.
Nice one!! It gives good feels right back...
Where new wave should have went. great riff. We should all aspire to never fear new sounds and landscapes.
Great Lyrics .... Happy New Year ........ stay safe ......
Wow..... a truly lovely piece. I love this!!! Instant fav!! The electro vibe is a cool change of pace
This is sort of scary...!! Looking over my shoulder for sure
That's a good steal ....
Like this for many families. Sad song.
SO ANGULAR, We love this you all are excellent
Good stuff ...
You doing a stage show ? or a film ?
Love it ...
Sad but great song.
Sobering and haunting... your voice is awesome on this one
That fleeting thing that has passed, and always passes. Let it remain a warm wave that comes from the back streets of memory.
Excellent sound on this vocal.
Sadly too true for some, my Dad had a wretched childhood thanks to drink and poverty in the 1920's and 1930's. Great song.
Very cool!
A bit of magic mate ....
Comments made by thetworegs
love it
Yeh! no problem lay the blues on me Reg
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. BURP!!!!!!
like it!!!!!
i'm a fan, lovely voice
I sometimes hear voices echoe from the edge to, thanks for the enthusiasm
Brill!!!! It shivers me timbers
it tells a story i like it