Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Here's request Carry on my Wayward son by Kansas we had.... again Gene has outdone himself with some superb musicianship ......and i've again had the easy job with the vocals...thanks Gene
chris jarvis's avatar
chris jarvis said

Oh nice one ....back to the 70's for me.....never heard of this so it's all new and exciting ....great stuff Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got his Baton out........
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

by the way, love the ending

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got his Baton out........
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

sign me up ill play in your orchestra any time,,, there's an quite kind of understatedness here that i find quite appealing r

thetworegs's avatar
Here's request Carry on my Wayward son by Kansas we had.... again Gene has outdone himself with some superb musicianship ......and i've again had the easy job with the vocals...thanks Gene
Guest said

Well, I much prefer this to the original. Without being rude this is has some balls. Good jam. Faved

thetworegs's avatar
Here's request Carry on my Wayward son by Kansas we had.... again Gene has outdone himself with some superb musicianship ......and i've again had the easy job with the vocals...thanks Gene
Speed Demon's avatar
Speed Demon said

Nice work, Reg. You rock!

thetworegs's avatar
Well that didn't last long Reg felt something wrong so he's moving on to pastures got Reg feeling Jazzy...... Time to go (Lyrics) Theres something in your smile that tells me its time for me to go when i ask if everything is ok…
Songs From Nowhere Project's avatar
Songs From Nowhere Project said

Oh my. You did well on this one! This is great!

thetworegs's avatar
Well that didn't last long Reg felt something wrong so he's moving on to pastures got Reg feeling Jazzy...... Time to go (Lyrics) Theres something in your smile that tells me its time for me to go when i ask if everything is ok…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

holy genre change batman. nice jazz bass and smoky piano bar reg! the only thing missing here is a couple of bar-goers clapping at the end of the performance. sweet movin on piece

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
Guest said

Great song!

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

Sweet and lovely :)

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
Guest said

Ah! The most elusive kind! Lovely medieval feel to the guitar line in places. Very cool.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got his Baton out........
Guest said

Enchanting, prettiness. Love the build.

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

sweet magic indeed!!,, wonderful story telling,, set amidst great musical play,,,sing on ohh bard...

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
AMEN ALIBI's avatar

Nice! It has a cool retro sound, Love it.

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
Songs From Nowhere Project's avatar
Songs From Nowhere Project said

I really like this song. It is very balanced. You have a great voice... and I really like the overall sound, and the balance, style, and feel of the guitar playing. It is great!

thetworegs's avatar
Well that didn't last long Reg felt something wrong so he's moving on to pastures got Reg feeling Jazzy...... Time to go (Lyrics) Theres something in your smile that tells me its time for me to go when i ask if everything is ok…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Very cool sounding! re: Closer to Mumbai => its the spices :-)

thetworegs's avatar
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........ Sweet Love (Lyrics) you…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Musically sounds like CSN&Y back in the day. Nice full track. Another good one.

thetworegs's avatar
Well that didn't last long Reg felt something wrong so he's moving on to pastures got Reg feeling Jazzy...... Time to go (Lyrics) Theres something in your smile that tells me its time for me to go when i ask if everything is ok…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Vocals tone fits this genre well. Great track. Love that upright bass sound.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg still hasn't cheered up ...memories of Desirea keep coming back to haunt him he thought it would be a new year a new start .....which it would be if he could only leave the past behind he got the acoustic down of the wall…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Works for me!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is always sure the grass is greener...i'm not so sure as i watch him going through conflict every time he goes to see... The Tangled web (Lyrics) i’ve got something to tell you and it will soon all come clear i want to hold you so close and…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh this is a goodie.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is always sure the grass is greener...i'm not so sure as i watch him going through conflict every time he goes to see... The Tangled web (Lyrics) i’ve got something to tell you and it will soon all come clear i want to hold you so close and…
Guest said

Good one.
