Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
Guest said

Million faves!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Perfect! Check OUT that vocal!!!!!!!!!!!!! RrrrRRRRRRRrrr!!!!!!!!! Thank you - you the man! :-)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Sweeet cover. The guitar is cool and the organ in the background is the perfect feel

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

100% RAWK! Nice solos.... Eat your heart out Ritchie Balkmore!!!!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Love the original and love this to, for someone who don't do covers this is goooood!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Guest said

Never heard of Bongwater, but I drank it once............Once. ~WG

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
Yardful of Birds's avatar
Yardful of Birds said

This sounds great. Have you ever heard of Bongwater or do know of the producer/musician Kramer?

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

What a GREAT cover of a GREAT oldie! w;-)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a real old tune. I remember about 81 or so. My brother Asa wrote it. I felt like recording something, so this is it. A rude kinda fun song with that cowboy stylin' :) Lyrics: It didn't take me long to find out you were wrong when you…
Guest said

Love that underlying pianah riff especially! Way ta feeeeeel good!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wasting away another weekend with some scales and mode practice on the synthesizers. all the percussion is from the Juno drum patches and my fingers. For you folks out there who enjoy the mode stuff this is Phrygian in A A,Bb(A#),C,D,E,F,G,(A)
Guest said

Great tension here!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Post RPM jammin'. I don't feel much like cleaning up after RPM. Not yet anyway. I think my little Casio took a beaten and went out of tune. I did this arrangement with just the Casio, guitars and harmonica, hence the annoying piano and strings…
Guest said

Love this.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hi folks, It's good to back after RPM and the blackout of 2010. A couple firsts here. I recorded this 100% with the computer. I never plugged in to a computer before. I've always used a Roland VS machine and burnt my songs/tracks to SCSI…
Guest said

Gorgeous hot afternoon here, (paddling) pool party, homemade smoothies, wildgeas music. What a wonderful cocktail!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
Guest said

Is this the same song Jim Groce did? Different songs..same title? Jim Groce had some great songs too. Bad Leroy Brown..what's that can spit into the wind..tug on supermans cape...but don't mess's JIM maybe? This is a great cover..wish I need to do covers.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Their ain't much wrong with rough and raw, in fact this is up there with the best. Go Geas!!.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Instrumentation Demonstration to try applying the Gunslinger sound to a more bluesy progression. Bass is a bass, guitar is a guitar. The drums are a digital pad kit connected to an Alesis trigger I/O to make them MIDI capable. Generally, I…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

neat track Geas love the harmonica.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

A classic! Great fun!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
Guest said

Feed your Rock N Roll Monkey electric bananas! JRR

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great fun man! I remember this one from when I was a kid

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just messing around on a Saturday morning. A rough cut at best, but I get a kick out of it. This is a song by the great Jimmy Dean - 1961 I used to spin this 45 RPM record way back when I wore a young boy's clothes. I always wanted to cover…
Guest said

Love those heavy geasy guitars!
