Comments on another cultural landslide's stuff

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Jay Durfey's avatar
Jay Durfey said

One of the coolest intros I've ever heard. Fantastic track, lot's going on, with great sound and never over done!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Floppy Jalopy's avatar
Floppy Jalopy said

Love It! How did you record the voice inside my head?

another cultural landslide's avatar
Aged Machine's avatar
Aged Machine said

Love this track!

another cultural landslide's avatar
poiesis's avatar
poiesis said

that was me, who said that. I thought I was logged in ^_^ really, though, I hear a lot of highly personally compatible grooves in this track.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

i'm promoting this track. It must be listened!!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

wow, we should hang out. !!

another cultural landslide's avatar
tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

i like where this takes me and i would love to know what you are using to generate the sound scape. i need to get some software with the kinds of controls that generate these tones tim

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Guest said

Incredible! So creative! I had no idea you existed until Patrick El Meliani sent me the link to his page "polymood," which has two of your songs on it. Wow! John (creator of SonicMood)

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Wow! You have created a great song! I also like the comment about "home of the industrial-sized mosquito!" :) John (creator of SonicMood)

another cultural landslide's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

i'm promoting this flows so well. really, you guys pulled it off! you should be proud!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Extremely tasteful layers on top of the perfect groove. Love it!

another cultural landslide's avatar
J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said

Great song! I like everything. And I agree with glu - this is a hit!

another cultural landslide's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

f**K! this is a hit! You guys really nailed the current sentiment. what an important song. The American's an anachronism. wake up America!

another cultural landslide's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

love the bass... love the claps, I am really impressed with this album so far. this stuff inspires! so fluid... and not the least bit banal for a 12 minute track... it's constantly moving. you guys pulled it off.. the violins at 05:30 are so awesome. I hear a bit of dissonance in there too. Shit, I might as well be reviewing your album with these lengthy comment chapters. good stuff... You guys really made something special.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

W, you have such fantastic pitch - it's quite incredible.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Al's left hand's avatar
Al's left hand said

I like the overall idea but I have a couple suggestions for the lyrics. First, it's a little clumsy; I've never heard "401k" sound poetic. Second, you sing about a character who's lost his future, but you don't show how this happened. Especially in light of the "401k" and "faceless concerns" lines, the picture that I'm getting is of a guy who's been trapped by his own choices, both productive (career) and consumptive -- while this absolutely can be a compelling story, it has to told, and with some introspection. Jess used to tell me, "Show it, don't say it". I think the key album to listen to for songs of this sort is Bruce Springsteen's The River, especially the title track. For all his characters that have lost there futures, there's a story. Sorry if I'm being a lyrics snob, it's just what I am. Thanks for writing about these ideas, it needs to be done.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
Black Pepper Sea said

Very poignant - a 21st century parallel to Phil Ochs.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Minibar Madness's avatar
Minibar Madness said

Love the organ and the way the lullaby weaves in and out!

another cultural landslide's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

god i love this. EPIC!! Futures dont often arrive on time do they? Mines late now..

another cultural landslide's avatar
brando's avatar
brando said

Eclectic, provocative, cool, new, beautiful; a wonderful list. Love the rhythms in this one.
