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by another cultural landslide


Pass on Love

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Roughly recorded years ago… A little more properly recorded now.

Pass On Love

Falling off the fence in year twelve of your lifetime
Landing hard’ll change your view of time
The minutes left in life will count down slowly
I need to use those minutes while they’re still mine
It’s time to see that there’s not much time left
Time to find the road that you’ll take
Time to listen to the child inside you
Time to choose the world that you’ll make

You start seeing bigger pictures when your kids start walking
You start asking bigger questions when you turn thirty-four
The minutes left in life will count down slowly
I start to wonder am I supposed to be more
Will you be the one to make one life better
Will you choose to push when you take a shove
Will you find the time to give help when it’s needed
Will you pass on hate or will you pass on love

Christmastime, so many children
Planting seeds, one row at a time
Will they grow to feed their children
Will they keep an open mind

It’s time to see that there’s not much time left
Time to find the road that you’ll take
Time to listen to the child inside you
Time to choose the world that you’ll make
Will you be the one to make one life better
Will you choose to push when you take a shove
Will you find the time to give help when it’s needed
Will you pass on hate or will you pass on love
Pass on love

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

*click* instant fave. Absolutely beautiful! w;-)

Guest said

Very quiet, personal and reflective song. It touched me. It's somewhat sad but asks the right questions. Excellent composition. Again, short and sweet.

Guest said


Guest said

Good vocal Keith. I bet you are a wonderful parent. It comes out in your music.
