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by another cultural landslide


quill's lament

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(this track’s a bit hot, mind it doesn’t hurt your ears, please)

So many reasons for sorrow. One sees from within sorrow, and sees only sorrow. But we must look awry at these weeping walls, these streaking-blind windows: they are of our own making. Climb them, look down from above. We must find lightness in our lamentations, else they tear us apart.

It took your Quill but eighteen minutes, to ope this sadly shuttered moment. Though this particular process benefitted most definitely from the heartfelt help of a friend.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Full of soooo much soul. You can feel the heart bleeding. w;-)

quill's avatar
quill said

@Mannequin Races: All I did here was set up my MacBook in the corner - not quite the corner, sort of one-third along the long wall - amp a bit closer than the kit, hence the imbalance, but it's all right for this track - and use the internal mic. Just kept one eye on the levels as we improvised. Sometimes I set up one cheap, broad-pattern condenser, but even that's just a slight improvement.

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Those drums and guitar sound great! How many mics did you use on the kit? I can hear some bass going with this but that would change the feeling completely. Thanks for your recent comment on my music! I know my songs are a bit on the short side! I'm working on that. :)

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool. And not to short, thanks for your comment. Cheers.

Guest said

Powerful stuff...especially combining the music with your write-up. Mournful guitar, certainly.
