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by another cultural landslide


Last Nights Fun Live

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Archival stuff from my distant past with former bandmates in Scartaglen. A set of traditional Irish tunes. Rescued from a cassette tape done at a concert back in the early 90’s. Myself on Uilleann pipes and whistle. Mike dugger on guitar and fiddle. Rodger Landes on Bouzouki and Connie Dover on keys. Nothing really special about the first 3 tunes, but I always did like the arrangement we pulled off on the last tune in the set.

Guest said

Love it, "Look at your list" Ha ha ha!

Guest said

Love it, "Look at your list" Ha ha!

Guest said

When I hear these tracks, I always feel I missed out on some great times. But, having said that, the atmosphere comes through and the music is superb. Long live folk!!

Guest said

I just love the atmosphere these tracks have, such good fun. What a fantastic night out!

tedsink's avatar
tedsink said

Wonderful! I do an Irish duet with a fiddle player every St. Patty's day, and I know how exacting this kind of music can be. When it's this good, it's a pure delight to listen to.

eshar's avatar
eshar said

Impossible not to want to clap along...super infectious and fun :) Plus the quality is amazing for having previously been on cassette.

Guest said

oh yes what a way to start my late Saturday:) thanks for sharing!

OHHO's avatar
OHHO said

Very nice and live to boot!

Terrapin's avatar
Terrapin said

I never realized until listening to this, but a song by a band I love (Black 47) is based on this tune. nár lagaí dia do lámh

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Brilliant mate nice one.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Great fun for sure. A great listen.

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

This track jist reminds me of how good Irish and Scottish music is, It has a great fun factor to it. I dare anyone who listens to it not to smile or tap their feet. Excellent work Kirk bet you had some awesome times playing live!!.

void's avatar
void said

Great stuff! Beautiful melodies, played wonderfully - kinda makes you want to get up and jump around for a bit. ;)

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said


kauaikta's avatar
kauaikta said


Guest said

What wonderful fun and such amazing musicianship. I wish Tess and I were there! I like the sound of your front woman, she's very entertaining. Oh wow, well played!

Guest said

As always, Fantastic! Sounds like it was a fun night for sure!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I Just realized that I hadent clicked the Follow Button for you... I nearly missed this... Utterly Sublime Mr Lynch. I aspire to learn to play like this! Freaking AWESOME!

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Farfetched Tangmo Band said

sorry...wrong comment. LOL. Kinda pretty, but right powerful.

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Farfetched Tangmo Band said

very pretty.

Guest said

thanks for not letting it deteriorate off the cassette. pleasantries abound !

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

ment to say treat for the ear,, some day i may learn to type and or spell

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very wonderful,,, a teat for the ear,, heart,, and intellect( i enjoy visualizing the notes while they dance about on the different instruments, while complex it is also very distinct and clear to the ear as i follow along) what is the bouzouki?,, on my third listen.... very captivating,,,, please put up more,,,,and finally being a solo person,, i am amazed at how well you all work together,,, wow to you all,, well well played Richard

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Really, really fun.

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

you read my descriptions and you're still asking me if I know the name of that tune? Haha...I'm pretty sure I got it from you! Galtee Rangers might be one of them...

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

crackin' set and yes that closer is a firey* arrangement - nice one! the adjective of fire?

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Man, brings back some nice memories (except for Dugger's snoring)...I always thought you guys had some great arrangements. I miss you playing the pipes, I don't miss me playing the pipes.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Just more incredible stuff!

Guest said

Sweet Baby J. Great stuff!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

delightfully Irish coffee.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Get's my Irish up. I'm feeling like a Boondock Saint.

launched's avatar
launched said

Sweeeeeeet!!!! Wonderful playing, loved it!

marc's avatar
marc said

Really nice, man. Really.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Instant favorite! w;-)

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Cool, man!! (..and thanks for checking our that last'n!)

Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

that was me... btw... :)

Guest said

Amazing!! Thank you!

quill's avatar
quill said

... "Which one?" "Look at your list!" Oh, man ... haven't laughed that hard in days. A metonym for a magic moment! This is so great! Love that you uploaded this. I long to learn what I need to learn so I can one day play some of this music, myself. Sometimes, one forgets what one wants to do, and the rush of an inspiring reminder is the most wonderful feeling. Thing is ... there's a lot to learn to play this music, as well as this music is played, here in this beautiful track, and I think a lot of it is almost beyond knowing. Unless one can somehow learn to be open to the ineffable ... maybe. Don't know yet!

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

Irish music... love it!!

Guest said

You cannot beat a good jig ,I got hooked on them when I heard the 'Mooncoin jig' on the Lp Commoners Crown by Steeleye Span in the 70's.They,like the blues are deceptive ihn that they seen at first sight simplistic in their arrangement and structure BUT the true complexity of them lies in the virtuosity and interperetation of those playing them. This is an impressive little set and I'm hooked again !

Guest said

PS - Woooooooooooo-hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Fab, quite lifted my spirits! :)

Guest said

A complete treat! Wooooooooo-hooooooooo!

Guest said

I don't know a jig from a reel but this is fun! Kavin
