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another cultural landslide's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by another cultural landslide



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Bit long this but stick with it.
Paul is a foreign chap that lives over the road from me in a house that he built with his own hands. He is almost completely deaf and shouts at you when he talks. He is self sufficient and makes most things from cars to bailing machines from scrap parts. he keeps goats and bees etc, I saw him yesterday and he told me his theory about where our life force comes from, he had drawn diagrams with notes and has even written to A cambridge professor. I have stuck the vocal track onto one of my old tracks for the moment. but please listen to him, he is wonderful and laughs at least twice in every sentence.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Very inventive - Very cool! w;-)

Guest said

Did the gentlemen know he was being recorded?

Guest said

Oh wow, this is so precious! You have immortalised a character you're obviously very fond of! Amazingly creative. Electricity!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

How creative! Great stuff!

Guest said

Yes, a lot of fun, great music!

Guest said

I'd like to hear more about his theory of where our life-force comes from. Hard to understand what he's saying in this. This is a trip...where is he from original, interesting accent.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Great! I just love this kind of fresh creativity. My name is Paul so instant favorite. Oh, my middle name? Why Alan of course.

Elena's avatar
Elena said


 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

please listen to the end is you start thanks
