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another cultural landslide's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by another cultural landslide



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I deleted this a while ago I think. Just found it on a CD and decided to put it back up for your listening pleasure. It demonstrates the proper usage of a washboard!

Guest said

It's the G7, I love it!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nuts man! Thanks for showing me the link buddddy. I can picture chickens peckin around to the casio 800 banjo...just nuts man I can dig it

Guest said

Now all I need is the washboard! Glad you put this back up. :) RE: What's next? Fleabird? Sounds more like Bruce Flea. :D hahahah! fleabird...that's actually a good idea..hmmmmm

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said, dr.! Thanks for the comment.

Guest said

For a yankee, you sure have some southern country boy blood in you! :-) - kidding around - nice one!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate great.

Guest said

Yahoo! Great stuff, totally love it.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yeah- I remember this one. Great fun! You forgot the corn liquor jug though!

Guest said

Oh great country anthem for a crazy Sunday morning in the busiest kitchen in the UK (or so it feels sometimes). Love the touches of harmonica, and the overall feel! Nice one, Geas!!

Guest said

it only gets better each time you get abducted. It's scary the first 10 or 12 times.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

A great feel good track! I'm tappin' my toes, and have a great big smile on my face! w;-)

Guest said

Nice Title. This song reminds me of that ugly kid on Deliverance. You know which kid I'm talking about, the one that looks like Butthead.

Guest said

Sweet!!! Was that a banjo? I listened to it on my iPhone speakers so I wasn't too sure.
