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by another cultural landslide


Just One Of A Million Lonely Men (RPM2012)

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Poor old Reg she’s left him again………..


Can’t find love in this cold hard city
There ain’t no love and there ain’t no pity
Walking alone in the lamp lit town
Trying to hide my sorrowed frown
I walk alone afraid of all
Out here in the world I’m not so tall
I once was loved by one and all
Now I have nothing at all
Why oh why was I not complete
Who was it I thought I needed to meet
The door closed but the other didn’t open
All I did was end up broken
Walking these streets to feel less alone
Keeping me out of the empty home
Silence eats on my lonely mind
As I chew on life’s rubbery rind
I won’t find love cause I seem to be blind
As I slowly go out of my lonely mind
No eyes meet my empty gaze
No friendship no love it’s all erased
Where to next what or when
I hold breath count up to ten
To stop the panic rushing my soul
To stop me falling down into my lonely hole
No light to summon me on
No where I feel I belong
Ive lost all I hold dear
My life is just an empty smear
I hold my breath and count to ten
I’m just one of a million lonely men
Who wander the city in darkness
Invisible unseen a man in a distress
Silent steps tick out the time
To the questions of why my life turned into a crime
I won’t find love walking around this city
There is no love and there is no pity
I hold my breath and count up to ten
Just one of a million lonely men

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Instant fave! w;-)

Tipu's avatar
Tipu said

why my life is a crime? or why my life turned into a crime? :p Liked.

sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said


Guest said

That's really sad. The organ music was a great choice. I bet the cars passing are splashing the puddles up and drenching Reg. That's all he needs, poor little scrap!

Guest said

Rap or talking blues...hmmmmm a X over maybe 80) Jarvo
