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by another cultural landslide


Your Undertow

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I’ve been working on this one little by little; now I’m at a point where I do not feel like revisiting the feeling. Moves from 3/4 to 4/4, or so I think.. kind of like a 7/4 time sig but not really. typical glu instrumentation, etc.

Everyone should have a drowning song.

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Wicked tune dem. Nice and full sound.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great stuff- Dark!

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I dig the tune, too. Nice powerful undercurrent to it.

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I wasn't drunk. *Oh no ...* Not me ...

glu's avatar
glu said

@ Mannequin Races. Yeah, that's me on the electric guitar... not much of a lead guitar player but I enjoy dabbling. @ Sister best lyrics? Must be the hangover talking :-) thanks for the compliments! It's not nearly as pretty as your oceanic stuff, but I guess I was going for more dangerous waters, yeay! @ Gumbo, I'll start brainstorming lyrics for a new pirate tune! Looking forward to yours.

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Nice instrumentation as always. I like it when the song goes crazy around the 1:10 mark. Is that you playing guitar or something/someone else?

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Typical glu instrumentation is so nice to listen to...

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Songs about the Sea. Yes. And on the sea ... ships? ... and in the ships? PIRATES?? No? Oh. Sorry.
