"Hey Motorman" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1907 with a gondola that went from side to side carrying passengers and vehicles. It was later replaced with a lift system.
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar.
I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Most of the lyrics written in 1999, a tough year. Many thanks to JB for his awesome screaming lead playing (done first take, I should add!!!) and to LadyJane for supplying some oooo's. (anyone needing some vocals - send her your song!)
Dusted off (so to speak) a bluegrass style oldie (meaning I wrote years and years ago) about the ending of a long drought... dedicated to all my friends, known and unknown, in Colorado and other dry spots that are burnin' up right now.
This is Mark's First adventure into Song Writing
Big Legged Woman -- Written by Mark Imsdahl
Mark's alonetone site: http://alonetone.com/imsdahl
Mark Imsdahl -- Harmonica
Greg Connor -- Dobro
Here is Ron Rouch's version of Mark…
Hi Mark,
That was a lot of fun! I think your Harp playing sounds great!
Yes "Cause a Bull Dog to Hug A Hound" sounds like it might fit right into your next masterpiece.
Let's do it.
A long time ago (high school, actually) I went to a dance and witnessed a girl trying to catch the attention of a boy. The memory inspired this song.
Sometimes Boys/Men are clueless, myself included. Maybe that's why women have been shaping us for centuries.
Good way to put the phenomenon into words ER.
Garn/Landry (And I barely deserve any credit for this one at all)
A while back, Jim recorded a rough version of this song, and upon listening to it, I was thrown back to a day from my youth. While vacationing in Vermont, a small twister throwing…
I had a basic melody and fragments of the words swirling around my head in the last few days ... so I sat down and made a song out if ... it took several rounds of playing to figure out how to present this, being part 5/4 and part 4/4 ... I finally…
[in memory of YC]
[work in progress - comments welcome]
You say
I doesn’t matter what I say
All the time we spent is gone now
Taken out
You cry
I'm not even asking why
Your head's up in the sky now
Your alive
When I ask you to explain…
A more cheerful version of The Mouse. JB and I thought the other a bit mournful - when we wrote it we were thinking of a reggae version...so this is it.
The last one for the day....what can i say it had to be done.....
Broken Dreams(Lyrics)
We’ve all had dreams broken
we’ve all wanted the absurd
i dream of being loved again
to hold and not let go
i’ve been waiting for a long time
to try and…
Well the story continues...Munga is back and after his wife and Sweet Ronnie....they ran off to Jamaica and Munga is not a happy camper
Ron: all instruments and vocals
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Great tune, great lyrics, great swing!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Something about this one Roger! Nice job on this one! Good message too. Just curious . . . How do you know Andrew's wife?
Inspiring! It will be fun to see what becomes of the "Plunger" when it's all grown up.
Good strong voice on this one! I have always liked this song.
This kind of guitar playing really gets me going. Nice job. I like that notion of optimism right around the corner . . . but not quite here yet.
Wonderful lyrics. I'm laughing out loud. Nice catchy music too.
I like this a lot! Nice flat picking, great upbeat melody and lots of character. Great interplay between banjo, guitar, and slide guitar.
Hi Mark, That was a lot of fun! I think your Harp playing sounds great! Yes "Cause a Bull Dog to Hug A Hound" sounds like it might fit right into your next masterpiece. Let's do it.
Sometimes Boys/Men are clueless, myself included. Maybe that's why women have been shaping us for centuries. Good way to put the phenomenon into words ER.
Nice singing / Nice Playing
Great way to build a song. . . Keep them coming!
Beautiful. It's as if the experience of flying is at hand.
Nice guitar sound.
I like it. The song has a subtle power that keeps building.
That's pretty good. If all else fails . . . Make Friends. I love it!
Very refreshing presentation. I like the message "All I needs is love". Reminds me of one of my heros . . . Tom Waites.
Entertaining and VERY Unexpected.
you got me laughing out loud on this one. Very colorful lyrics.
Munga may be back, but my vote is for "Sweet Ronnie" Go get em Tiger!
That's some fine playing Roger! One line really caught my attention: "She loves me so much, I have to ask my sorry ass why".