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When Life Gives You Lemmings, Make Lemmingade

Galileo's Cough Drop

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I mostly wanted to make music with a funky clav line I’d come up with, so this is it. For the voiceover, I unabashedly used an awesome monologue by Ken Nordine.

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

very cool! he's got great tone that Nordine fella!

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Love the groove on this. And I often wonder where the hell I'm going as well. Then I know I'm having my version of a blond moment. ER

yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

Lots of great stuff on this album. Enjoyed listening to all of it. This was my favorite. Lots of fun and glitchy stuff here.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I Agree with Mr Gritt..... B-A-D A-S-S Your Mixes are amazing!!!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

bad ass...oh so kewl!

Guest said

the sample is supreme. as is the entire song!

Oblique St.'s avatar
Oblique St. said

This is kind of like updated Ken Nordine, only more non-sequitorial.

launched's avatar
launched said

I want a glass of that!!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great fun track man!

transmit's avatar
transmit said

The bubbles tickle!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

A lot of fun, and very very VERY fonkee. in fact i think i may jus have inadvertently got my fonk on. ohhhhhhhh man if it doesnt blow up at 2.09!!!!!

Guest said

Great Tune ,great mix, You're probably walking after another beer if you're like me at all.

Guest said

And I faved it. Need I say more?

Guest said

Love the title! :-D

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