Comments on Keith Landry's stuff

Keith Landry's avatar
The first track from 2009's "Where I May Have Been." More uploads from this album to come!
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Great song...and an excellent performance.

Keith Landry's avatar
The first recorded version of this song, this little folk song was originally written fifteen or so years ago with just the four chord rhythm guitar and single vocal. The song became what it is today when I needed to write additional verses for…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Last Track of the Album... Well... This is the perfect closing tune...... As Impressed at the Guitar and Musical skills I am, This was not the highlight of the Album for me... The Highlight was that I was Listening to a man of substance, imparting lessons, messages and Good times and life experience that he “May have” (Sorry...Title is cool) had through his songs! That’s what it ever should be about bro! I have only ever listened to around three albums in my life.. Was Busy as a Kid..... And I’m from the dance music generation. One was by Cat Stevens .... One By Damien rice .... And this is the third... I can Honestly say that this is on par and to be brutally honest, I prefer your works.. There is an air about your album that suggests you are the genuine article! No Pretence.. .... Just Straight up Tunes That someone can take something from... I wrote “Arise” after listening to one of your tracks... I Thought “Why don’t I just Appreciate what I have!” I hope the messages in your tunes continue to influence me... It Aint a bad way to be bro. Thanks for a great Album! Peace T (OsCKilO)

Keith Landry's avatar
Another old song that got a little country twang when it became obvious that the horn section wouldn't be showing up on my doorstep any time soon. "You fools don't know what's going on inside her head"
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Every young Man should listen to this track.. F*cking awesome message!!!

Keith Landry's avatar
Wrote it over a decade ago, rewrote it five years ago, recorded it last year with the help of little sis Karen. "I'm not supposed to be down south. Take me north."
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

The Lead sonds like a piano! Cool!

Keith Landry's avatar
Wrote it over a decade ago, rewrote it five years ago, recorded it last year with the help of little sis Karen. "I'm not supposed to be down south. Take me north."
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Cool Bright Spot to your Album! Guest Spot is Superb! Your Sister is Awesome!

Keith Landry's avatar
"There are still some tribes that will forever hold You give a picture of your eyes, you give away your soul."
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Feeling this one bro... I have a track called "Solitaire" that gives me the same feeling as this... This track is Sublime....

Keith Landry's avatar
Sometimes the most profound statements come out of the mouths of babes.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Utterly Sublime Song bro! Speachless! The Good Life bro! It's all we want for our Kids... You Are Doing Something Very Right My Friend. Faved

Keith Landry's avatar
To get ready for every baseball season, my father used to pitch tennis balls to me in the backyard. He had invented a pitch that defied the laws of physics. To this day, I have no idea how he threw it. The damn thing would spin like crazy like…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Great Song! My Pa Had secret talents like that... Sure and steady... But sure to work! Taught me a thing about how to be a Dad... Keep your cards close... And Never share the secret till the kid works it out for himself! Great song!

Keith Landry's avatar
Written for my youngest when she was very little, almost everyone who's had a kid that just would rather not sleep can identify with this song. Originally, there was a line in there about "Staying up this late at night makes me consider drinking…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

I have a track called "Kin"... I wrote it when the boy was going through "that time"... "Kin" represented us all.. Three guitar lines. Me, the boy and his Ma... I used to play it to him so he would sleep.. It worked... And made me realize how we would fit into each others lives.. This track brought back memories bro. Thanks for that.. This track is eternal!

Keith Landry's avatar
Some places (like Salisbury Beach in Massachusetts) are just sacred ground. "This tide rolls out and in my life."
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Change in voice for this one.... Sounds younger and full of nostalgia... And full of appriciation! Cool Track bro! Another Fave!

Keith Landry's avatar
I used to cross over railway tracks on my way to the ballfield in college, and though I never knew why, I was always tempted to just start following them.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Sweet guitar bro! I'm sure you recorded this live! The complicated riffs only come in when you stop singing! I do the same! Do You perform live? I bet it would be awesome to see! Faved!

Keith Landry's avatar
A song written for a great girl who'll be getting married next year... "You'll always be this young if love comes first And you stay filled with life."
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Hell yeah! This track is Gold bro! The true spirit of song writing... Share lessons learned... Try and Help! Another point about your songs.. A four minute song is a pleasure to listen to! That is hard to do bro! And you pull it off effortlesly!

Keith Landry's avatar
The song that really kicked off this second album of 2009. "In time all the stars will fade away Our kind won't get to see it anyway No shine, just endless black between the gray I won't be going out in that way"
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

The "When I'm" line is awesome!

Keith Landry's avatar
The song that really kicked off this second album of 2009. "In time all the stars will fade away Our kind won't get to see it anyway No shine, just endless black between the gray I won't be going out in that way"
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Oh... And I The Mix is perfect! How do you record?

Keith Landry's avatar
The song that really kicked off this second album of 2009. "In time all the stars will fade away Our kind won't get to see it anyway No shine, just endless black between the gray I won't be going out in that way"
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Track Three..... Stunning Album!! A perfect pick up tune for realists!!! Love the Instrumental Break at 1.20 where you just stop and play! So Organic! Thats what I Love about Your stuff! Honest as the day is long! Another Fave!

Keith Landry's avatar
The sweet little girl I can't seem to get Out of the back of my mind Isn't quite sure what she's looking for yet And I worry about what she'll find Working so hard looking out for herself I know there are times all alone She's always had…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

10 seconds in.... And the track has got me bro... The Subject matter is Perfectly expressed... But the performance bro...!!!! You Don't stumble once! Perfection...... Was this recorded live? From what I have heard of your stuff, I can honestly say that your material rates as high with me as any pro that I may have purchased a CD from... And the best thing about this is that it's free! Awesome Mr Landry.. Awesome..

Keith Landry's avatar
The first track from 2009's "Where I May Have Been." More uploads from this album to come!
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This is Superb Bro... I hope/pray that I get to your level one day! Such a Perfect song. Awesome! I bet it is great Live! I just noticed that you have a Ton Of songs I haven't listened to... Well.. No Time like the present... It is Keith Landry night in East London! This is Faved by the way!

Keith Landry's avatar
More Garageband compositions... just nice to play while the kids are doing homework.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Gorgeous stuff Keith!

Keith Landry's avatar
DREAMS OF THE OCEAN Your kids'll be waking up in the morning Just a couple of hours after mine have gone to bed I've got the coffee warming While dreams of the ocean are in your daughters' heads I taught them all 'bout it late last evening…
launched's avatar
launched said

Just caught this off your acoustic compilation album, Sis - Fabulous tune! The vocals are absolute money - I got a chuckle from your denial of reverb comment, but they truly sound perfect this way. Awsome songwriting, awesome tune - Love it!

Keith Landry's avatar
Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, the opening melodies to this song found their way into my head... A song of hiking, love, and life... Won't you come with me on the trail?
Guest said

God this brings me right back to advo. Givin me hope that it'll all be back soon. Don't know about you, but I can't wait for school to start again. See you in 26 days (cuz it's almost midnight). -Britt (the one and only ;))
