I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Kirk, I got lost in my kitchen, making a cup of tea when I heard this. Came to, slow dance moving across the floor, singing lyrics pulled right out of nowhere. I hope to have the time to dance to it more
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Glad you like another day at the office.
Is this you playing guitar, very pink floyd division bell style, please consider improvising to a track of mine
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Written, recorded, and mixed in 24 hours. August 01-02, 2009, from 6am to 6am.
Instrumentation: Two acoustic guitars, electric guitar (picked and bowed), fretless bass, about 7 different flutes, two tabla drums, rattles, tambourine, didgeridoo…
I came up with the initial rhythmic riff on my bass, then looped it to create the basis for this track. Then, I layered another "lead" bass track on top of that, added some percussion, and finally topped it off with an electric piano-ish sound…
Growing up is hard.
For everyone.
I once had a Facebook Friend named Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick. A poet, from Midland, Texas, doing advanced studies at Sarah Lawrence. She was so good she could write a hundred pages about how she couldn…
This tune was written on the day I bought my vintage Yamaha CP-25 electric piano and returned to hear that Dennis Hopper had passed away. I fired up the gear and cranked this out. The sound of the piano made me feel like Ray Manzarek...thus the…
Spun around like a seer's needle
A philosopher so lost in his riddle
Tries to speak but no longer able
Drifting in the deepest dream
This one took me a while [years!] to complete - how did it come out?
Freesound samples used…
In one part I harmonized the E Phrygian intro with G Mixolydian, thought that was kinda neat. In the original tune I like the lyrics: "I am not a sailor, I am a captain, I am a captain." Electric guitar kicks in around the half way point.
*Pilón* reveals a Cuban pattern, traditionally played on Timbales, but in this case on Jr. Congas & Congas (with gated reverberation and flanger effect). The rhythm of Pilón is based on the motions of pounding sugar cane.
A new son reveals…
Memories long in music sleeping,
No more sleeping,
No more dumb:
Delicate phantoms softly creeping
Softly back from the old-world come.
Faintest odours around them straying,
Suddenly straying
In chambers dim;
Whispering silks in order…
Comments on kirklynch's stuff
Very cool
mmmmmmmmm..... such a mood. I'm never gonna get anything done today.
Kirk, I love how you go about your own way, exploring your own musicality. I envy you your ability to play!
Kirk, I got lost in my kitchen, making a cup of tea when I heard this. Came to, slow dance moving across the floor, singing lyrics pulled right out of nowhere. I hope to have the time to dance to it more
the effects you use are bloody brilliant! I love the atmosphere!
this one goes on my next mix cd..
Amazing track! VERY skillfully done!
you really make the acoustic guitar come alive great man
really touching, but i do enjoy a good sounding guitar like this one
Cool track! Trippy and dreamy - just right for the middle of the night before bed. Aloha!
Oh RIP where were you? I waited and you never appeared! Well, I hope you had a great Halloween anyway, maybe next year!
Glad you like another day at the office. Is this you playing guitar, very pink floyd division bell style, please consider improvising to a track of mine
My god this is awesome!!! oh yeah!
This is *so* nice, man.
brilliant, great stuff.
poignant note choice, sounds great.
-cool, man; nice. ... and thanks for checking that out!
that is a sharp recording and some choice guitar playing my man!!
Thanks Kirk ;)
Lovely guitar work
Comments made by kirklynch
Damn- I had forgotten how brilliant this was! I hope you're still out there making music man!
Lovely stuff! Missed this one
Well damn. Just when I was going to check out the other half of the album I can't get it to play
Great songwriting!
Sweet! Like the contrast in the middle section
I love it when I find something in favorites I haven't heard in ages and it's even better than I remember. Super track!
Been too long since I've heard this old favorite. Nice!
Nice! Missed this one of yours
A certain Mr. Gibbons just got his ass kicked!
Like being pursued by out of control machines bent on destruction! UH- Can we trade hands? Mine don't work like this
Wow! Thanks to Tess for pointing this one out. Great piece of work! Mix sounds really good in cans
Neat! Fun jam!
Quite beautiful!
Interesting stuff! I have enough trouble with 12 notes. What do you call all the extra ones!
Super nice groove man!
How Beautiful!
HA! Great version!
Just checked out the vid. Very cool!