Comments on launched's stuff

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

I really like it a lot. I like your style.

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

"If only for a day..." - did that line actually work? Nice one!

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

Cool Tune.

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

Heartwarming track of lovely! Very cool guitar break too.

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

nice one man! Are you going to add more instruments to it? The lyrics are awesome. Great pickin..esp on the lead parts.

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool.

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very nice,,,

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

nice song,,,good story line,,, very nice playing

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

... And JS Tolar Muy FNG!

launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Guest said

Muy FN Bien! JRR

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

good to hear from you! Thought you had vanished. How are things going for you? And..thanks for the comment! :)

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

--good to hear, man; thanks for listening!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

Flies in My Lunchbox is out. You did an excellent job Mark. We did Baby Green Ernie justice with that tune. Uncle Ernie would be proud of us.

launched's avatar
A collaboration that involved 5 musicians over several parts of the world. A crazy stalker tune - Has a soft/hard/soft format. Recorded with The Boss Micro BR(MBR), Mixed with Audacity and then mastered with the MBR. More details in the Youtube…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Interesting transition at the 1:30 mark. Good stuff. Nice recording and production as always!

launched's avatar
Another one from the dusty special price bin! It started off as a Pilot cover, but it didn't end up that way. Dave Berry added the excellent tele solos and the crazy cool noises at the end. Thanks bro, you rock! I spent more time on this…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

This is kickass! ...laid back and heavy - like a lost track from God Ween Satan. Sweet groove and wicked cool vocals my mang!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

re ur comment lol!! Well the keys I'm using ARE pretty old, I think they date back to the 80's. And I'd pay to see you dancing to it. ---------------------------------- If I still had my parachute pants with 40 zippers, I would probably try to break out to this! Radical and fanatical, with a soft landing!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Listening and rock bro

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Rubber's avatar
Rubber said

This song always raises a smile man. fun stuff.

launched's avatar
A collaboration that involved 5 musicians over several parts of the world. A crazy stalker tune - Has a soft/hard/soft format. Recorded with The Boss Micro BR(MBR), Mixed with Audacity and then mastered with the MBR. More details in the Youtube…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

This song is amazing. I like your whole catalog here -- how long have you been writing and recording?

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

You may have been drunk but you are no loser. Love the lyrics.
